Archive for February, 2011

Scanning finds a scanner

Friday, February 18th, 2011

I can't get lucky three days in a row. And, sure enough, the new signature by the sparsely surrounded outer planet turns out not to be the static wormhole but a ladar site. I continue my search along my normal routine, checking the other planets on an inwards spiral before ...

Fuel run through low-sec

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

Scanning is quick again today. Our static wormhole is around the outermost planet, as it was yesterday, which just happens to be my first place to scan and rather bare of other signatures. A new signature is easily spotted there. Following glorious leader Fin's example, I helpfully copy a bookmark ...

Good time to scan

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

What a silly time to think about taking a break. Sure, the Hulk exhumer has gone, and all the other pilots, but that's just it: all the pilots have left the system. Being all alone offers me just the opportunity I need to do some proper scouting. For a start, ...

Hunting a hulking miner

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

We have about two weeks' worth of fuel left in the tower. That is plenty for now, but I should start thinking about bringing some more in, to avoid future panics. I set about scanning, looking for an exit, or targets. The wormhole is nice and obvious on the outskirts ...

Nattering with the neighbours

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

We may have had visitors. Fin is here and notes that the home system was active earlier, which means we are scanning for more than simply our static wormhole. Thankfully, the wormhole is in a nicely conspicuous location today, near the outer planet where there aren't many other signatures, and ...

You're not the boss of me

Monday, February 14th, 2011

Some hunter I am, I can't even find the way out of our system. Three new anomalies are easy enough to note and ignore, but the additional bookmarks are making it really difficult to spot the odd-signature-out that should be our static wormhole. I confuse another gravimetric site or ten ...

Sacrificial Badger

Sunday, February 13th, 2011

It's time to hunt. I resolve our static wormhole only to find it to be curiously a gravimetric mining site. A second new signature turns out to be a ladar gas harvesting site, further hampering my exploration beyond our home w-space system. But the third new signature is our static ...

Comedy of errors

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

Fin's out exploring, and with the bookmark to our static wormhole in our shared can I think I'll join her. There are two towers in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system today, and a couple of ships visible on our directional scanners. Fin has found one tower, making the Drake ...

Admiral Akbar wants a word

Friday, February 11th, 2011

Targets don't come much juicier than an Orca. A Tengu visible on d-scan makes me think the strategic cruiser is acting as an escort for the industrial command ship, but the Tengu disappears and the Orca remains. Maybe something else is happening here. I sweep d-scan around and it looks ...

Crows look like black monster shapes

Friday, February 11th, 2011

It feels like ages since someone foolishly threw themselves in front of my missiles. Let's see if I cross such a capsuleer's path today. Scanning our system finds the static wormhole directly beneath our home planet, which provides some glorious views of the ringed gas giant when warping to and ...