Mahi-Mahi mayhem in Hoverboard Splatfest

24th September 2016 – 7.00 pm

There are good perches for competent chargers in Mahi-Mahi Resort. I think I should stick to inking turf. My failure to splat the Slosher coming over the block just confirms that notion.

At least the turf is open enough to allow me lots of good sight-lines to ink turf, even if I have to stay on the lower ground for the most part.

So close to being ambushed by that Roller! I dunno how I got so lucky. And there's enough teal turf that I am spurred on towards the opponent base. There's a mini-convoy of Rollers, which I disrupt, but a partial charge doesn't get the opposition Splatterscope.

She evades my attention, and my Splat Bomb Rush, and gets enough ink turfed to splat me and a squidmate with her Killer Wail. Good job, inkling.

One more splat on a Roller, approaching fast, feels good, but the feeling soon fades as the Slosher splats me back. But my plan to ink turf looks to have worked well enough.

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