Archive for September, 2010

Breaking five billion

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Pengu is borrowed, letting me spend the evening relaxing in a salvager. The corporation strategic cruiser fleet is shooting Sleepers in our neighbouring class 4 w-space system and I am a little too late to get in to my own Tengu, but as I enjoy salvaging a little too much ...

A C2 for ambitious pilots

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

Damnation, I choose you! Turning up fashionably late to Sleeper combat means the corporation fleet already has two Guardian logistic ships and I can pilot my cuddly command ship instead. I'm not just in it for the aesthetics, the warfare links will provide the Guardians with more spare capacitor energy ...

Gunning for gas miners

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

The Bhaalgorn has gone, the C2 is quiet again. I take my Manticore stealth bomber back in to the previous class 4 w-space system and onwards through its static wormhole to another C4, where some minor activity has been seen. A Drake looked to be sweeping a ladar site of ...

Bombing a Bhaalgorn

Monday, September 27th, 2010

The strategic cruisers have made a strategic withdrawal but there are other systems to explore. One of the class 4 w-space systems we have a connection to holds a tower, which seems like a good place to look for some more activity. Jumping in to the system sees a Drake ...

Anatomy of a post

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

Some people, mostly corporation chums, have asked how I remember so many details about events in w-space when writing my journal posts. Purely out of self-indulgence, as certainly no one has asked me to do this, I thought I would present the creation of a post, a deconstruction of my ...

Stalking strategic cruisers

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

The new static wormhole leads to a new constellation. All the systems will need to be scanned for wormhole connections in and out, or we could get lucky and find four strategic cruisers engaging Sleepers in our neighbouring system. Checking the directional scanner after jumping through our new static wormhole ...

Unexpected visitor

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

Marking a different start to today, our scout wants to be caught on a wormhole. He has already explored the w-space constellation extensively but is curious to know how vulnerable his Loki strategic cruiser is when jumping between systems. I already have experience of trying to catch frigates, stealth bombers, ...

Threatening a Thrasher

Friday, September 24th, 2010

It's scanning time. Our static wormhole has been collapsed in a smooth operation and there is a new one to find, and a constellation of w-space systems beyond it to explore. Keeping our home system relatively clear of anomalies and signatures makes wormholes easy to find and resolve, and I ...

Frazzling a Ferox

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

Many of us are familiar with war films. Specifically, where a sniper has surprised a unit and shot a soldier without killing him, tempting the others to come to his aid. The injured soldier's cries of pain can be too much to bear, particularly when the sniper takes an occasional ...

Just another day in w-space

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

I need to warm a ship up, but I don't know which one. A couple of scouts are out exploring today's w-space constellation and have so far passed through our neighbouring class 4 system in to a class 5, before spotting on the directional scanner a Cyclone battlecruiser and Harpy ...