Archive for March, 2016

Toughing it out in Rainmaker

Thursday, March 31st, 2016

Tip: don't jump in front of a charger trying to lay down an ink path. Tip: don't squid away quite so enthusiastically without first checking that you do, in fact, have the Rainmaker. Tip: don't walk slowly up to a Splash Wall if you are equipped with a charger. This is when ...

Many mistakes are made in Mahi Mahi Resort Rainmaker

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

Not all the mistakes are made by me, but I reckon a good portion of them are. It's my first game of the evening, I've made the bold choice of the Splatterscope in Mahi Mahi Resort, and I turn out to be playing against players obviously better than me. Honestly, I'm ...

Getting close on Bluefin Depot in Tower Control

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016

Bluefin Depot was my bogey level at the start of the evening, getting splatted everywhere by squids almost completely ignoring the tower. Even with my change from the Tri-slosher to the Dual Squelcher, would this change? Thankfully, yes. The tower was the focus of attention: they wanted us off of ...

Rough ride in Tower Control

Monday, March 28th, 2016

A couple of frustrating Tower Control battles had me almost quitting for the night. The Tri-slosher wasn't working against aggressive splatters who pretty much ignored the objective, which wasn't the way I wanted to play. But I decided to switch weapon and give it another go. I like Splatoon too ...

Hard won Splat Zones

Sunday, March 27th, 2016

16-6 in Splat Zones with the Splattershot Jr. I must be doing something right. This may be one of my best Splat Zone battles so far, and certainly with a shooter. I am particularly pleased with hunting down that pesky charger, and downright proud of lobbing a Splat Bomb on his ...

Back-and-forth Splat Zones

Saturday, March 26th, 2016

Splat Zones will be the death of my ranking. I get what I have to do, and I kinda can do it sometimes, but other squids just seem that much better than me a bit too often. Today seems to be an exception, at least as far as wins goes. I ...

Pushing forwards in Rainmaker

Friday, March 25th, 2016

I'm definitely an aggressive player, and this becomes fairly obvious in Rainmaker. I imagine my squidmates would prefer I occasionally wait for them to get ahead and splat the opponents or lay down a trail of ink. It would probably be a good idea too sometimes. Thankfully, in this battle, my ...

Running interference in Rainmaker

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

The maps in rotation are Port Mackerel and Flounder Heights. Both rather different. I could use the Splatterscope on the Port, and a Tri-slosher at the heights, but we don't get to choose the map out of the two. I plump for the Tri-slosher to start with, the Nouveau version ...

Unexpected turn in Rainmaker

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016

An early lead is demolished quite convincingly in this Rainmaker battle on Camp Triggerfish. Thank goodness for the brave squids who stopped their lightning advance and then sacrificed themselves in the water to reset the Rainmaker. We get close again, but it's not close enough. How can it be, without actually ...

Dunking the Rainmaker on Saltspray Rig

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

Not me, but I like to think I helped. At least by splatting the Rainmaker carrier at some point, and at the end with my Splat Bomb Rush. There really wasn't much time to do much else. My squidmates were on top of it. That battle is pretty short, so let's add ...