Archive for August, 2012
Friday, August 31st, 2012
I could use a bit of cheering up. Popping a planet goo hauler would work, but I can't find one in the home system. I suppose that's for the best, as Aii may not like me shooting him again. Scanning my way out of home shows just a gravimetric site ...
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Thursday, August 30th, 2012
The frigate hunt is over and there are no suitable systems to rat in. I'm about to head home when I realise there is another class 3 w-space system yet to be explored. Shev turns up to help Aii and I push in to unknown space, whilst Fin continues buying ...
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Wednesday, August 29th, 2012
Let's see what's waiting for me in w-space this evening. Aii, that's what. And some bookmarks to a w-space constellation, but day-old bookmarks and so they probably don't point to a constellation any more. That's okay, as I resolve the new static wormhole and jump to our neighbouring class 3 ...
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Tuesday, August 28th, 2012
Aii and Fin aren't collapsing the K162 from class 4 w-space in our home system just because they can. As Aii was cleaning up some gravimetric site Sleepers in that system Fin spotted a pod jump through the wormhole to our home system and warp towards the empire space exit ...
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Monday, August 27th, 2012
Two wormholes in the home system still don't provide the fabled random outbound connection, but I get a K162 from class 4 w-space to explore through. Jumping in to the system has a territorial control unit on my overview, some 35 AU away, but closer and within range of my directional ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Bumping in to miners
Sunday, August 26th, 2012
Having passively killed off more Sleeper sites in the home systems makes the maths easier, so I am confident there is only one extra signature today. It's just new gas, and I resolve what thankfully turns out to be our static wormhole and jump to the neighbouring class 3 w-space ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Busily inactive
Saturday, August 25th, 2012
What can I find for my entertainment today? Nothing in the home system except the static wormhole, but maybe there are pilots to find in, um, hmm. I'm pretty sure this K162 to class 2 w-space is not our static wormhole. Never mind, I apparently have managed to miscount the ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Scanning through w-space
Friday, August 24th, 2012
'The wormhole's dead', I tell Shev. Not that it really matters, I suppose, as scanning a system a minute after I collapsed a connection to a dead constellation is the same as scanning the system fresh. I don't think he's had his morning Quafe with added caffeine yet either, so ...
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Thursday, August 23rd, 2012
The culling of the indigenous Sleeper population trudges on, alongside the continued the growth of the indigenous Sleeper population. One of us should perhaps take the hint. Despite the handful of signatures dotted around the home w-space system I am still left with only the static wormhole for me to ...
Posted in Gaming | Comments Off on Nothing to see here
Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012
The Sleepers are out of control. It doesn't seem so long ago that we had an entirely clean system, thanks to our passive activation of mining sites and the occasional fleet stealing our anomalies. Now the sites are returning more quickly than we can kill them. Today sees even more ...
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