Poor defending in Rainmaker (6-6, Splatterscope)

17th October 2016 – 7.00 pm

Rainmaker, on Bluefin Depot and Arowana Mall. I'm sticking with the Splatterscope, as the stages are good and I've been doing pretty well. Let's hope I can keep it up, in the face of an E-litre 3K.

No, not really. She out-ranges and out-skills me, and my reactions aren't quick enough. But as long as I contribute I'll be happy. Keeping the turf our colour is a good start too, given how important that is in every mode.

I try to support the Rainmaker, but forgetting that I could probably better do that from behind, not in front, or from the side. I'm not playing like a charger at the moment. But at least my Splat Bomb game is still above average, and I get a couple of splats on the Rainmaker.

When we take the lead, it never the less looks a little precarious, particularly with the Inkstrike landing on our base, which is already looking pretty yellow. I do my best to re-ink our turf, knowing that we just need to defend to take the victory, but I am focussed in the wrong area.

The yellow inklings charge in with the Rainmaker, along the turf already their colour, and nick the lead away from us in extra time. Oh well.

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