What were they waiting for in Rainmaker (15-4, Carbon Roller Deco)

7th May 2017 – 7.00 am

A normal start to this Rainmaker battle has my launching Seekers to ink turf and squid through. I see Seekers coming my way too, which will be interesting. I think I miss an inkling squidding behind one Seeker, but maybe not when the inkling I splat launches one. Another inkling appears, and a third aims a Killer Wail in a position that's slightly too exposed.

It seems like a good start, until I realise that the one inkling I didn't get to splat has walked the Rainmaker quite close to our podium. Going back to help doesn't help either, with the Rainmaker moved in a different direction, and trying to catch up again gets me splats but has me moving in the wrong direction still.

I try to work out where I should be, deciding that following behind the Rainmaker may be too late and too obvious now, so head back the way I came hoping to flank the blue team. It works quite well, particularly with an Echolocator active on the blue team, but I get my comeuppance with an Echolocator active on us, and accidentally picking up the Rainmaker doesn't help.

At least the Rainmaker is reset, buying us a few seconds to regroup. I head back, avoid Suction Bombs like someone who finally knows what they do, and splat the Rusher. I move around the back looking for the Rainmaker, getting a lucky splat when Echolocated, and a lucky Seeker splat, but don't quite either reach the Rainmaker or get away from a nicely thrown Suction Bomb in time.

We get the Rainmaker, and I move ahead to in a path, using my Seekers a little poorly to do so, but the Rainmaker doesn't appear, even after two laps. I head back to find out where it is, and see where it is headed, so move to create a path in the right direction this time. But even with the way clear, the Rainmaker doesn't move far. Maybe they are under inky pressure we've unfortunately moved away too fast from, or maybe they are trying a bit too hard to get splats.

We lose the Rainmaker again, having made not much ground. I return with a Seeker Rush that looks like it may help, but perhaps not as the Rainmaker scoots across the grate above me. But I keep inking, hoping that we can move the Rainmaker back quickly, but am thwarted by some poor flicking. At least the Rainmaker was stopped.

We get another shot with the Rainmaker, and although it is lost I help clear the blue inklings away, and with support coming in I take it upon myself to keep the way forward clear. And the way looks pretty clear, but the Rainmaker doesn't come. Even from the final map, the path looks pretty green, so it's a bit unfortunate that a final push doesn't give us the lead, but so it goes.

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