Stopping salvaging and ganking gassing

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

'The wormhole's being stubborn, it's refusing to die.' And so starts another potentially dull night in w-space. There are, apparently, 'no other signatures, anomalies, or anything' in our home system, and there's little point venturing out through a wormhole on its last legs unless I relish the adventure in waiting ...

Nidhoggurs and Naglfars

Friday, June 3rd, 2011

I'm back, and in a stealth bomber. A well-connected w-space constellation must make for ripe hunting grounds, and we have eight systems to roam today. I say 'we' but it is still just me. I'll just have to see what kind of havoc I can wreak by myself for now. ...

Profiting from unoccupied w-space

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

No one's around, there are no bookmarks in our can, I suppose I have nothing to do but scan. I soon find the static wormhole, with the number of signatures in our system remaining manageably low, and am jumping in to a class 3 w-space system I only visited a ...

Stealing from the neighbours

Friday, March 25th, 2011

'There may be angry poppets next door', says Fin, as she has to dash off for a while. I launch my Manticore stealth bomber to take a look for myself, a bookmark pointing to our static wormhole waiting for me in our shared can. Jumping in to our neighbouring class ...

Continuing with a Catalyst

Friday, March 11th, 2011

Our neighbours are alerted to our presence. Podding their salvager in their home system will do that, I suppose. Our hopes to simultaneously strike an analysing boat in a magnetometric site don't quite go according to plan, at least for us, when a Vagabond cruiser interferes with the coordinated bombing ...

Comedy of errors

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

Fin's out exploring, and with the bookmark to our static wormhole in our shared can I think I'll join her. There are two towers in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system today, and a couple of ships visible on our directional scanners. Fin has found one tower, making the Drake ...

Stalking Sleeper slayers

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

My clever ploy to manoeuvre out of the system first instead of chasing the ships goes slightly awry. I am able to warp sneakily to the wormhole leading back to the class 3 w-space system, bridging both our class 4 homes, but jumping through sees a Cheetah covert operations boat ...

Sixty-two anomalies

Friday, December 17th, 2010

The tower is running low on coolant. I have a nagging suspicion that if it isn't replenished something dramatic will happen, like the force field dropping and pirates taking or shooting everything we own. That would be bad, so I'd better get some more, which means scanning my way out ...

Second-day frustrations

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

A new day brings a new constellation to explore, and with it new hope. The bookmarks in our shared can look current, and there are no notes about unstable wormholes. I copy them to my nav-comp and take my Buzzard covert operations boat out to reconnoitre the connecting systems, and ...

Missed communication

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

Three of us wait for the wormhole to die. Rather than forcing more mass through it than it can handle the wormhole is about to collapse of old age, and we just watch. I have performed a pre-emptive scan of the system, and when the wormhole dissipates to leave no ...