Full of false alarms

Friday, August 22nd, 2014

I align my ship away from one wormhole and towards another, AUs distant, that will take me to another class 2 w-space system, but call a full stop before I accelerate in to warp. A final look at my directional scanner before entering warp sees a new ship in this ...

Good bad timing

Saturday, June 7th, 2014

Nothing has been scanned yet, and there are two new signatures in the home system. I like a mystery! Aww, a blanket scan shows that both signatures are too weak to be K162 wormholes, which probably helps explain why all our anomalies are still around. They're probably just gas sites. ...

Hearing of a hacking Heron

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

More anomalies have popped up in the home system, but another K162 today too, this one from class 4 w-space. My glorious leader is around, somewhere, I'm not sure where, although it's obvious she has scanned her way through our neighbouring class 3 w-space system and out to empire space. ...