Scanning empty space still takes time

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

My little corner of space looks pretty quiet, which is a pleasant start to the evening. Launching scanning probes, blanketing the system, and warping to a more central point shows the home system to be clear of hostile ships and unexpected signatures, which lets me take time to see what ...

Vexing a Vargur

Monday, April 9th, 2012

My glorious leader is glorious. Fin's scanned an exit for me so I can get home. Or maybe she scanned an entrance. An exit for her, an entrance for me? Am I exiting empire space? Whatever, I can get back to w-space. Well, I can get back to w-space if ...

Scanning leads to a rat

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

Fin's can-chasing again, but is willing to try shooting Sleepers. That sounds like a plan. I'll take a look around the home system first, though, to see if we have any potential visitors. Eight signatures are here with all the anomalies, giving us three signatures unaccounted for. Shooting Sleepers may ...

Looking for a Loki

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

There are still problems affecting Fin and my attempts to stay in space. Fin's more than mine now, which isn't any solace, as Fin's activities are limited to her continuing bid to locate a stray jet-can in our home system. That in turn limits me to solo activities, until the ...

Scanning signatures and watching ships

Monday, March 19th, 2012

Ah, back to normal. I hope. I'll need to replace the Legion strategic cruiser I lost, in order to get back to where I was, but with any luck all should be tickety-boo as far as flying in space. And getting a new ship pretty much depends on the kindness ...

Two Hulks, one point

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

Look at all of these anomalies. It looks like we are due a passing fleet any day now. Until then, I'll be my own passing fleet of one, scanning my way out of the home w-space system and in to our neighbouring class 3 system. There's not much to see ...

Suffering some slight space madness

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Dammit, someone's stolen all our anomalies again. I'm sure we left loads of them scattered around but now there are only a handful left. They really held the system together, did they not? If I didn't get bored quite so quickly shooting Sleepers then I may be slightly irritated by ...

Finding fuel

Friday, January 20th, 2012

I'm out for a brief reconnaissance of the w-space constellation, just because I feel like it. That's the way I roll. The home system is clear, which is the way I like it, and the only unexpected signature is a new build-up of gas, which I settle down again before ...

Accidentally finding the fleet

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

Whee, skill queue updated! One of these days I may even get to use a new skill, maybe some of these new-fangled guns I keep hearing about. They're like missiles, but use capacitor energy, have difficulty tracking fast-moving objects, and have confusing ammunition requirements. I can't wait! For now, I'll ...

A day in w-space

Monday, December 26th, 2011

There's nothing new at home, just rocks and the static wormhole, so I jump to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system to start tonight's exploration. A tower but no ships are visible on my directional scanner, keeping tonight's slow but relaxing start going, and I launch probes and perform a ...