Looking for a Drake

Friday, December 27th, 2013

Hello, there are people on-line. What could they possibly want? To come home, it seems. My glorious leader is trapped in high-sec—'thankfully not through death and vat rebirth'—and would like to get home again. 'I could use an entrance.' I'm on it, boss. The start is easy too, with just ...

Countering counter-counter measures

Friday, December 28th, 2012

It's just me in an empty system. Even our twin gas clouds have buggered off to give fluffy hugs in another system. I should have appreciated the company of those useless bastards more when they were here. But what's this? A new signature in the home system? What will it ...

Cat and mouse

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

It's just me at the moment, me and a bookmark. A rather familiar-looking bookmark, I have to admit, and I realise that it points to our static wormhole from yesterday, a wormhole that must have collapsed by now. I delete the old reference and go scanning anew, happy to see ...