We meet again, Mr Newfahg

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

There's nothing interesting in the home system. Well, except for our tower. And a new anomaly, perhaps. And me. Otherwise, nothing. Next door, though, in the class 3 w-space system through our static wormhole, I see a Nighthawk command ship, Noctis salvager, and Sleeper wrecks. Now that's interesting. A tower ...

Do the double collapse for ISK

Thursday, May 30th, 2013

How many wormholes do we have now? And how many ships are lurking beneath the cover of a cloaking device, watching, waiting for our guard to relax? I suppose it's not called paranoia for nothing, because I certainly seemed quite aware of most of what was happening earlier. Well, as ...

Submarines in space

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

I'm out for a short poke around w-space, as there must be other active pilots occassionaly. The home system is clear, with just a new pocket of gas to ignore, so I jump through our static connection to class 3 w-space to start exploring. My directional scanner is clear from ...

Tower prod

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Huh, only three signatures. One of them's our K162 home too, making this class 3 w-space system pretty bare. It's barer since I popped a salvaging destroyer and podded a bystander, but I'm moving on from that. The two other signatures will help, being the typical static exit to low-sec, ...

Trading a hauler for a transport

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

The gooer's gone, but not in his hauler. That's gone in a different way, blown to smithereens. That the pilot is now cloaked in a covert operations boat or off-line is of no consequence to me, particularly with plenty more w-space to explore. I could go backwards, with another outbound ...

Hit and run

Sunday, April 21st, 2013

Many wormholes died to bring us this cleaner constellation. The K162 in to our home w-space system was killed, murdered, I suppose, but the others have no doubt passed away from natural causes by now. It's not wormhole life I'm looking for, but capsuleer life. Glorious leader Fin comes on-line ...

Leaving the back door open

Saturday, April 20th, 2013

Steal in to a system, pop a bleary-eyed planet-gooer, and come home for crumpets. Good plan, Penny! Let's make it happen. And it looks like this will be easier than I expected, as glorious leader Fin has scanned even earlier than I'm awake, leaving me a bookmark to our as-yet ...

Escalating to an unlikely ambush

Thursday, April 18th, 2013

There seem to be enough early risers in w-space, so I'm up early too, hoping to catch one out. Here's one already, my glorious leader sucking on the gas cloud in the home system, a Schrödinger's Target. Fin's testing her maximised Venture frigate and has no problems with my exploring, ...

Making ISK misses gooing

Saturday, April 13th, 2013

I'm still looking for other pilots. Hey, there's one. Hi Fin. 'Just scanned the wormhole, did not open it yet. Updated the bookmarks.' Nifty. ...is it just the static wormhole at home? 'Yes, ma'am.' Do we want iskies? 'We probably should.' Yeah. We have enough anomalies in the home w-space ...

Staying for the Sleepers

Sunday, April 7th, 2013

'I was just talking to myself.' Don't stop on my account. 'I did some maths.' For dreadnought building? 'Orca building.' Glorious leader Fin has been working on getting more profit out of our activities, and is looking to kill two birds with one stone. Why transport bulky ore out to ...