Blink and you miss it

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

The class 3 w-space system has been subdued. The Venture mining frigate we nearly caught returns to the tower, the pilot stutters, and goes off-line. It's time to scan properly. There are four anomalies and twelve signatures, two of which we know about. One is our K162, the other the ...

Curiosity isolates the Penny

Sunday, February 2nd, 2014

Okay, that was a nice ambush, Penny. The home system is safe. Let's scan, find out what we've got today. Clearly there's one other wormhole, but I also find gas, a relic site, and a third wormhole to accompany our static connection. It's initially surprising to find the third wormhole, ...

Flying escort

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

There are a couple of cruiser wrecks out there someone, in this class 5 w-space system. The Gila and Osprey got destroyed by forces unknown, and I'm keen to find out if the wrecks were looted by their buddy, who survived in a Ferox battlecruiser. An anomaly is roughly in ...

Not dead

Friday, April 26th, 2013

[It would have been nice if my 1,500th post to be tagged with EVE Online detailed our excellent 3·4 B ISK Tengu kill. Or just wasn't being published in the middle of the tenth anniversary Fanfest, when no one will be paying attention to anything else. But it appears I didn't have ...

Pointing towards a Probe

Friday, March 15th, 2013

I'm late. Late enough for the w-space constellation not only to be scanned and mapped by my glorious leader, but also to have her and Aii both in empire space selling our recently accumulated loot. So what is there for me to do? Well, w-space can change at any minute, ...

Legions are like sharks

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

Hi Fin. Those bookmarks are yesterday's, right? 'Yes. I'm just getting started.' Okay, good. They're deleted. I launch my probes in to the home w-space system to join those of my glorious leader, and what I take to be a new gravimetric site actually resolves to be a second wormhole. ...

Empty scanning

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012

Mr Onyx from last night has sent me a mail. Apparently, the next connecting system their class 5 w-space home had, after I left and they finished collapsing the wormhole I fled through, led to a C3 with nearly thirty signatures, a static exit to null-sec, and no other wormholes. ...

Ransacking a radar site in low-sec

Monday, December 12th, 2011

An empty system is a quiet system. I'll see if I can find one not quite so empty, which means scanning our home first. After a minor absence a couple of anomalies have reappeared, the rocks are gone, and I'm left with a single signature to resolve. There is nothing ...


Thursday, June 16th, 2011

There are lots of wormholes today, and directions to all of them are available in convenient bookmark form. I copy the bookmarks to the nav-comp of my Manticore stealth bomber and go out for a roam. 'But no one in space', Mick tells me as I leave. We'll see about ...

Low-sec Retribution

Sunday, May 1st, 2011

Glorious leader Fin's here and scanning. She resolves our static wormhole almost as soon as I arrive, letting me ride on her coat-tails to jump in to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system right behind her. The directional scanner shows no sign of ships, letting us launch probes and take ...