Archive for January, 2010

Marauding through Maraudon

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

We're off to Maraudon! The dungeon was discovered late in the exploration of Azeroth, and so is rather more involved than the other dungeons we've delved in to so far. But Livya says that she knows Maraudon like she knows Wailing Caverns, so we should have no problems ...

Autopilot back to HQ

Monday, January 11th, 2010

Alone at the tower means more scanning. Maybe we should invent a technology for more reliable passageway through w-space, perhaps some kind of 'gate' that links two star systems together. Until this marvellous new invention becomes a reality, I borrow the Buzzard again to try to find a ...

A more polite introduction to the neighbours

Friday, January 8th, 2010

The Imicus is out scanning for an exit, but this time I'm not piloting it. Instead, the owner asks if I'd like to tag along and maybe find something to bomb. I like his anti-social approach to w-space, and jump in my Manticore to shadow him. We ...

Anomalous ship loss

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

The Sleepers have been in our system for too long. There may not be artefacts or databanks to plunder, but it's time to disperse the Sleepers lurking in the various cosmic anomalies. We have so far preferred to enter neighbouring systems to reap the profits available, saving the ...

Occupied w-space benefits scanning an exit

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

Another day to scan. Ignoring the anomalies in our home system reveals the latest wormhole quickly enough, and I jump through in my borrowed Imicus. A quick check of the directional-scanner is always prudent when entering a new system, although I'm not quite sure if I should do ...

Fireballs in Zul'Farrak and snowballs in Stormwind

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

We're going to Maraudon! For some reason, I expected the dungeon in Desolace to have more centaurs and fewer trolls, and for it to be an indoor, rocky instance. But it turns out that we're not quite ready for Maraudon, and Zul'Farrak is more in our level ...

Running from an Anathema

Monday, January 4th, 2010

It's another day of scanning an exit for me. The new wormhole in our home system is found quickly enough, and it leads to an expansive w-space system occupied by capsuleers. There are some scary ships sitting around somewhere, but I shan't worry about them just yet, I ...

A collapsed wormhole leaves nothing behind

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

It's quiet in w-space. I am by myself at the tower, which leaves few options. I would like to get back to New Eden to refresh my research jobs, perhaps check on my sell orders, and redeem my Zephyr. It seems somewhat perverse to have to exit ...