Ahead, behind, ahead in Tower Control

6th September 2016 – 7.00 pm

A couple of errors at the start of this battle. I miss the jump, and don't register the yellow squid hunkering down getting ready for a super-jump. Still, we get on the tower and take a commanding lead within the first minute or so of the battle. That lets me get on with being a pest, without having to worry about the tower too much.

That's the plan, anyway. Getting blindsided by the Roller is impressive of him, and a bit poor by me. I dunno how that charger splatted me, though. And sneaking around the back isn't quite as productive as I hope it would be.

We keep the tower from moving too far from the centre, though, which is the main goal. I keep trying to out-flank the yellow team, with not much success, although I do get to hear a little squid sigh at about 4'22". Dunno what that is. And when I take another circuitous route, hoping to catch a squid or two, the other team end up taking the tower past our lead. Oops. With 23 seconds to go too.

We reclaim the tower, at least, and I press forwards, hoping that my Bubbler and all the purple ink I just spread will help us. Maybe it does, but I think it is my squidmates who are more responsible for recovering the battle. A calm response to losing the lead that heads in to extra time was super cool of them.

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