Lots of splats in the lower ranks of Tower Control (15-5, Tri-slosher)

27th August 2017 – 7.00 am

My losing streak/skill degradation/poor choices continue, and not even switching to the Tri-slosher can stop my falling in to the B+ rank. Still, I'm confident the bucket can get me back out of there pretty quickly.

I'm helped a little by one inkling apparently trying to tank his ranking, turning up to battles but flopping around or standing in a corner somewhere for the entirely of the battle. He even takes the appropriate name of magikarp.

The useless floundering by magikarp helped when he was on the other team, and I was one win away from heading straight back to A-, when he ended up on my team. We did our best, even making a decent comeback, but it all went wrong again and we lost by a knockout. Oh well, so it goes.

I left magikarp, just in case, and got back to battling proper. I don't want to hassle B+ inklings too much, and would like to get back to where I think I will be more competitive, and, I suppose, more challenged. But it was being challenged that got me down here. So I dunno.

Maybe it's my desire to go back up a rank, or my experience of the higher ranks, or just plain ego, but I feel I have a better idea of what I'm doing, in general and with the objective, than the other inklings.

The margin of victory may not be huge, but I feel comfortable in the battle, and have time to do a victory dance riding the Tower at the end. Hopefully just one more battle to go.

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