Veteran of the Wrathgate

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

Pleased with my progress to help the Wyrmrest Accord and the good work I have done in Wintergarde Keep my death knight is sent to Fordragon Hold for further instructions. It is there that I bear witness to a massive struggle outside Angrathar the Wrath Gate, Alliance and Horde ...

No rush to 80

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Having installed the Wrath of the Lich King expansion within a couple of days of its release and loaded it almost daily since then I think it is fair to say that with only two 74th level characters I am in no rush to reach the new level cap. ...

Finding Dalaran

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

I find myself in Northrend with no particular agenda, so I indulge the explorer in me for a while. Travelling northerly through Dragonblight eventually has me crossing in to Crystalsong Forest, where I spy some interesting ruins to investigate. My exploration pays off, as I reach the city ...

Jumping through hoops in World of Warcraft

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

I am exploring Northrend a little with my death knight, Gnomesblight, when I stumble in to Wintergarde Keep. It isn't my first visit, as a chat with some NPC in an eastern zone, probably Howling Fjord, ended up with me randomly being thrown on gryphons and sent half-way across ...

Even Death Knights love a squirrel

Friday, November 21st, 2008

My Death Knight, Gnomesblight, has escaped from the control of the Lich King. The introduction to the Lich King and the Ebon Hold is a fascinating, immersive experience that uses instanced world regions to show the passage of time to great effect, enabling a full story to be told ...

The race to new content

Thursday, November 20th, 2008

With the release of the second World of Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, there has been a lot of buzz about people racing through the content. Some of the commentary has been about the folly of racing to 80th level, as well as a more overall amazement ...

Pet sounds

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

My EU-based protection warrior, Tiger, teams up with Melmoth's paladin for some wide-eyed, happy-to-be-here exploration of Northrend. On the gryphon flight to Menethil Harbour to catch the ship to Howling Fjord, still avoiding the Borean Tundra for now, Melmoth remarks on how the hunter class always seems to get ...

The Death Knight is just a man, or gnome

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Death Knights are coming to World of Warcraft. I'll admit that I really don't know much about the world's lore but it is a pretty evocative class name. Whilst the other classes—druid, hunter, mage, paladin, priest, rogue, shaman, warlock, warrior—certainly conjure up images of adventurers they don't really ...

A bad time to be auctioneering

Saturday, October 11th, 2008

The content patch for World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King expansion is being released early next week, with the expansion itself due in a month. With ten more character levels added there will be appropriate new equipment to be found and crafted, where crafting will require different ...