A note to New Eden's high-sec pilots
13th October 2009 – 7.34 pmWarping AFK on AP is much more effective with the AP switched on. Otherwise, you're just AFK.
Warping AFK on AP is much more effective with the AP switched on. Otherwise, you're just AFK.
Posted in Gaming |
Tags: eve online, mmorpg
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5 Responses to “A note to New Eden's high-sec pilots”
I prefer T2 autopilot.
- Engage autopilot.
- Put a rock on your MWD shortcut key.
- Profit!
I did that once with a Dramiel. Got from Hek to Jita in record time.
And I've also done Tiger's "oops" forgot to turn on autopilot.
It's embarrassing. 'This trip is taking forev– oh.'
I'd try the T2 AP, but I already get the computer irritable with me about 'cannot do that whilst warping', or 'session change already in progress', so I don't really want to provoke even more of its ire.
Why am I still sitting in Fricoure? I have a meeting in Oipo in 15 minutes!!!!! Curse you AP bug!
My alt did this in his Freighter the other day. Was APing just fine, then he wasn't afk anymore so he manually piloted a few jumps, then went AFK again. 4 hours later...still bumping the gate 17 jumps from destination...
Stupid Alt...