Doing my best in Spongebob Splatfest (889p, 0-3, Tri-slosher)

30th October 2016 – 7.00 pm

I think your Rank affects your teams in Splatfests now. That's unfortunate, because I'm really not an S-Rank player, but am stuck in S Rank as the Splatfest begins. And I'm having a rough time in these Turf Wars.

I've already tried the stalwart Splattershot Jr, the Berry Splattershot Pro, and am on to the Tri-slosher in an attempt to get any kind of positive result. It's not really working.

I'm sloshing lots of ink, covering plenty of turf, but the splats elude me. I'm just outclassed, much as I am in S-Rank battles. This is not a fun experience.

I try my best, but it just isn't good enough against much better opposition.

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