Whizzing around the Splat Zones (7-0, Carbon Roller Deco)

9th July 2017 – 7.00 am

I've been trying some shooters recently, and have had a bunch of quite frustrating battles perhaps as a result. I don't know if I'm just a bit rubbish at the moment, if Splat Zones continues to bring out the more dedicated squids, or if I am just unpracticed with shooters. So I bring out the Carbon Roller Deco to see what I can do with a weapon I feel comfortable with.

I aim my first Seeker towards the route I (embarrassingly) only found recently, and get to the Splat Zones like I am in the only squid battling. Hearing a Squiffer ahead, I take the rather risky choice of squidding through my Seeker trail, and flick near the end. I don't get the Squiffer, but I catch a Roller dropping down in front of me by chance. And then I get the Squiffer.

I nearly splat the second Roller too, but our charger has her nicely covered. And we have the Splat Zones nicely covered too. With our charger looking at their charger, I head around the back, not inking as I go to hopefully keep my movement a bit less obvious. It's quite a jump over the gap without squidding, though.

I stroll past a Beakon for some reason, and get hit with an Echolocator. Even so, a Roller rolls towards me, and I get the flick off in time to avoid being squished back, and head away from the threatening Squiffer, quite sensibly, with the Echolocator still on me.

I cover a purple charger shot in the Splat Zones, and launcher a Seeker Rush in to an Inkstrike, which catches the charger inching towards me. Narrowly squidding around a purple Seeker saves me twice, once from the Seeker itself, and once from the Carbon Roller coming to splat me. A quick turn and I splat the Carbon Roller instead, although she catches a squidmate of mine first.

The other Roller drops behind me as I aim towards the back again, so I turn around. A squidmate splats her very efficiently, but I keep on my track and head across the Splat Zones where, with everything tranquil, I decide to wait for the moment. Sure enough, an inkling comes my way, handily announcing her presence with a Seeker, and showing me her position by dropping down from above.

I'm highlighted again with an Echolocator, no doubt the Haunt ability from the Carbon Roller's gear, so move away from the obvious threats, and thankfully obscured by a purple Inkstrike. But even on our side of the map I'm not safe. I squid across the Splat Zones again to avoid Burst Bombs, as a Seeker splats an unsuspecting target, and just about miss getting hit by the E-litre 3K.

The Splat Zones are yellow again, I squid across to relative safety, and we win the battle in quick time. Woomy! Okay, maybe I am just rusty with shooters. This was pretty smooth in comparison.

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