Looking for wrecks

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

Pop, pop, pop. High-sec rats are easy. So easy, in fact, that I launch probes to scan the one extra signature in this system to keep myself entertained between target acquisition and cycling my autocannons. It's a wormhole. I may go there, I may not, particularly as a capsuleer tagged ...

It's difficult to make a mess of simple scanning

Sunday, April 27th, 2014

I've got to stop making stupid mistakes. It's kinda expensive, and a bit stupid. Scanning the anomalies and single signature in the home system seems pretty safe to start with, and as my glorious leader has kindly bought and assembled a new Loki strategic cruiser for me there is no ...

Watching a ship go out

Saturday, January 11th, 2014

There's been another signature explosion in our home w-space system. It can't all be gas, not all three new signatures. Performing a blanket scan, as is good practice even when coming on-line, sees no ships in the system, so I get to scanning the signatures. Two gas sites, one wormhole. ...

Aiming for an Imicus

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

I don't disappear immediately, but instead loiter on the K162 from class 4 w-space for a while. The residents may be collapsing their connection to this class 3 system I returned to, but it's entirely possible that they didn't know I was stalking them, and I'd rather make sure that ...

Greyer shade of blue

Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

A conversation request so soon after combat? I can only imagine my opponents want to congratulate me on my skill and tenacity. I hope that they also want to give me my Loki back. Strategic cruisers cost a fair amount of ISK to replace, after all. I accept the request, ...

Tengu becomes legion

Friday, October 25th, 2013

It was a good full night last night. I'm on-line earlier today, and with less time to spare, so let's see what I can get up to. I don't have the best start, seeing that some corporation has stolen all of our Sleeper loot, the fiends. I like to keep ...

Not quite so many wormholes

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

I'm looking for some middle ground today, wormholes and activity, and not just an expansive constellation that takes so long to scan that I end up doing nothing else. Not that there was much else to do yesterday but scan, I suppose, but it's not like I was able to ...

Covert cruisers avoiding each other

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

Bleary-eyed scanning may not be good for my health, but I'm rather hoping that bleary-eyed planet-gooing will be worse for others. I just have to find some. Our neighbouring class 3 w-space system looks as sleepy as me though, with my directional scanner showing me nothing from the wormhole. The ...

Should have gone to null-sec

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

I have time to pop a planet gooer. The only problem is that I have to find one first, and I'm not sure I have enough time to do that. But I'll try. Two extra signatures in the home system are just mapped gas sites, so I point my cloaky ...

Holding back

Sunday, May 19th, 2013

Empty ships and Sleeper explosions yesterday. What today? For a start, a second wormhole in the home system crops up in my scanning results, giving me a class 2 w-space system to explore beyond the K162. And jumping through sees a small fleet on my directional scanner. A peculiar fleet, ...