If a ship pops without a pilot, does it go on the killboard?

Sunday, April 29th, 2012

Running solo, I scan the home system. It's all clear here, just as it looks on the other side of our static connection. My directional scanner shows me nothing of interest in C3a. Well, nothing of direct interest, but I note that the only planet that is in d-scan range ...

Staying safe slaying Sleepers

Saturday, April 21st, 2012

I'm back in the empty space of the home system. But it's not empty for long, as a minute later my glorious leader appears. Let's get going! The home system is clear of ships and signatures of dubious origins, there being only some expected gas and the static wormhole. The ...

Plenty to watch, little to shoot

Saturday, March 24th, 2012

Gah, I'm crippled by skill-queue indecision again! I managed to find a skill that I use daily somehow only trained to level III to fill up my queue a few days ago, but now I have to fill it up once more. There are quite a few skills that I could ...

Disco may not be dead, but it kills me

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

I'm a glutton for punishment. Having suffered through repeated but unpredictable ship failures, requiring a systems restart each time, and even though there have been no released patches to correct this, I am still hopeful that I can make it through this evening without problem. I should be fine as ...

Restocking the hangar

Saturday, January 21st, 2012

Glorious leader Fin is ahead of me, sitting outside the tower in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. That makes my scouting easy, as all I have to do is pay attention as Fin tells me about the Devoter heavy interdictor and Dramiel frigate unpiloted in the tower, which itself ...

Trapping a transport

Sunday, January 15th, 2012

Fin saw a Crane go out to low-sec and is looking to catch the transport ship on its way back to w-space. I turn up as my glorious leader boards an Onyx heavy interdictor to set up an ambush. That sounds like fun, I think I'll help. The Crane's going ...

Two-pronged ambush

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

'I just jumped', says my glorious leader as I arrive. I wonder aloud if I startled her, then laugh at my own joke, before launching scanning probes so I can find our static wormhole and join Fin in an occupied but empty class 3 w-space system. It's my third visit ...

Oodles and oodles of lows

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

Raa! In Amarr! The static connection in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system leads to a system in low-sec empire space worthy of shouting, controlled by an empire that also rolls off the tongue, but sadly in the Devoid region which ruins the flow. Never mind, I've popped and podded ...

Salvaging Sleepers and stealth bombers

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

Nom nom nom, I wonder if anyone's appeared in our neighbouring class 3 system yet. I can't say for sure, but I know that glorious leader Fin is in our w-space home. She reports that the two ageing wormholes I resolved earlier have died, which should prevent angry strategic cruisers ...

Dropping on a Drake

Sunday, December 4th, 2011

That Drake's new. Certainly, it's hard to tell a new ship at a glance when there are so many visible on the directional scanner, and made harder when checking d-scan after transiting between systems brings up a completely different display. But I've been vigilantly watching d-scan in this class 3 ...