More ratting in null-sec

Friday, August 9th, 2013

A new day, a new adventure. I scan, resolve our static wormhole, and jump to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system. All looks quiet, with my directional scanner showing me nothing, so it's not much of an adventure yet. My notes say C3a was unoccupied a year ago, and as ...

Scanning, hacking, refuelling

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

I'm heading home in my heavy interdictor. Heavy with corpses, that is. I drop off the four ex-miners in to our hangar, swap back to my cloaky Loki strategic cruiser, and head back down the chain to where I dropped on them in my Onyx. Passing through our neighbouring class ...

Spotting the signs of hauling

Monday, August 5th, 2013

Tonight I shall focus, and not be as careless as I was yesterday. That's the plan anyway, and my plans always go so well. At least they generally start well, and my focus in the home system is exemplary, the sole signature of our static wormhole not giving my mind ...

Making easy iskies from explosions

Monday, July 29th, 2013

There's a Retriever visible in the home system. Kill, kill! Oh, the mining barge's name looks familiar, and Aii's on-line. My Sherlockian skills lead me to deduce it is my colleague mining, and not an intruder. That, and Aii greeting me and asking for another few minutes to chomp on ...

Null-sec hub

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Nom nom nom, 100 M ISK brains are good eating. Now back in w-space, a few hours after the pair of gooing hauler ambushes, what's new? A load of fuel bricks brought in from Amarr, that's what, thanks to my glorious leader taking advantage of that high-sec connection in the class 2 ...

Rats in Fountain

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

I'm hoping for more luck tonight, after yesterday's rotten exploration. Too many systems, not enough pilots, and a diversion through high-sec. It wasn't much fun. But maybe entertainment will come to me today, with two extra wormholes in the home system. The K162 from class 5 w-space that's at the ...

ORE tourist

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Today's wormhole is sitting on top of where yesterday's was. I wish I'd known this before resolving the signature completely, but no time is really lost. Jumping to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system has a clear result from my directional scanner, and the two planets out of range don't ...

Scan, collapse, scan

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

With no activity at home, and only the single signature in the system, I have but one direction to go. I resolve our static wormhole and jump to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system, looking for trouble. A clear directional scanner doesn't offer much, but it does let me launch ...

Known space is boring space

Monday, January 28th, 2013

A more regular start to my day has me arriving at the usual time, to the usual sight. It's just me in the home system, as far as I can tell. Launching probes and scanning finds no intruders, blue or otherwise, and a couple of new signatures to resolve. A ...

Not even shooting rats

Sunday, January 27th, 2013

A late night poke around w-space has me finding new rocks at home, and no way to go but through our static wormhole. The connection takes me to our neighbouring class 3 system, where my directional scanner shows me nothing but a bubble in range. I launch probes, blanket the ...