Moa and Manticore

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

Back in w-space and looking to see what I can find, I don't even have to wander outside the home system today. Two Moa cruisers, a few drones, and a jet-can are all visible on my directional scanner, once I move from my hiding spot to be closer to the ...

Scanning a chain of class 2 w-space systems

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

I pause in the home system to activate a new ladar site, the stupid gas delaying today's exploration of w-space. We're keeping on top of our sites, though, ensuring scanning remains manageable. The anomalies are another matter, but I quite like having plenty of them around as honeytraps for passing ...

Well-connected w-space

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

All hail the glorious leader! Fin has collapsed our static connection in my brief absence, isolating us from the previous neighbouring class 3 w-space system where a bit of light ambushing occurred. Now we can start again. Scanning finds the new static wormhole easily enough, and we jump through to ...

Two-pronged ambush

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

'I just jumped', says my glorious leader as I arrive. I wonder aloud if I startled her, then laugh at my own joke, before launching scanning probes so I can find our static wormhole and join Fin in an occupied but empty class 3 w-space system. It's my third visit ...

If at first you don't succeed, bring more ships

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

It looks like collapsing the wormhole attracted the attention of some capsuleers hoping to catch a juicy Orca prize. Thankfully Mick and I were around and in suitable enough ships to repel the attack and protect the industrial command ship, as well as Fin being prepared for such an assault ...

Spot the ambush

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

I'm trapped. I've jumped in to a class 4 w-space system after following a Helios covert operations boat in the hopes of finding activity and, as a reminder to be careful what you wish for, found plenty. A pair of interceptors and a couple of strategic cruisers are camping their ...

Trapped by an ambush

Friday, October 1st, 2010

Today's exploration is underway. I go to join a scout through our static wormhole where the class 4 w-space system should be familiar. I was last here only three weeks ago but both towers listed in my notes are no longer present. Indeed, the system is now uninhabited and apparently ...

Exploration ends in Sleeper combat

Sunday, August 29th, 2010

I'm waiting for the wormhole to die. The bookmark pointing to it conveniently has a time in its notation and the longevity of wormholes in our home system lets me know when to expect the imminent collapse. I am not morbid enough today to sit and watch the ...