Dumb move

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

I'll maybe have just a little poke around w-space tonight. Aii's on-line and has scanned a bit, which should help speed up matters. 'I'm hunting in C2a.' Oh? Are there any pilots? 'A Myrmidon is clearing a site alone.' Well then, I'd better get a ship to you. My directional ...

Names are confusing, ship and pilot

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

Gas has floated out of the home system to be replaced by what I assume are new and almost entirely similar pockets of gas. But assumptions are about as reliable as a Gallente's word, and one of the signatures resolves to be a second wormhole. Where does it come from? ...

Tower prod

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Huh, only three signatures. One of them's our K162 home too, making this class 3 w-space system pretty bare. It's barer since I popped a salvaging destroyer and podded a bystander, but I'm moving on from that. The two other signatures will help, being the typical static exit to low-sec, ...

Waiting for nothing

Friday, December 21st, 2012

New gas at home replaces the old. Maybe it just drifted half-way across the system, as we have been a bit slack with our industrialism recently and not really harvested any of the resources to be found in w-space. And because we've been lackadaisical, I activate the new ladar site ...

Prophecy for a Tengu

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

That was a lot of food. Too much, some would say, so I'd better get active. Flying internet spaceships burns Calories, right? Whatever, Fin's here, so what's happening? 'Nothing.' Scouting the constellation earlier has apparently come to nought. I ask if we should collapse the connection and start again, only ...

Forced on a Typhoon

Thursday, July 19th, 2012

Bearing backwards led to bait, which we naturally took and managed to survive. Forging forwards bagged Fin a hauler incautiously collecting planet goo. And in our currently well-connected w-space there are still options for exploration, which is surprisingly through our static wormhole, given that all we've done so far is ...

Getting lucky with the loot

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

A new static wormhole leads to another boring-looking system. I renewed our static wormhole to isolate ourselves from an occupied but empty class 3 w-space system, where the only indication of activity happened when I was pushing the Orca through the wormhole to collapse it. Now I'm looking at my ...

Scanning empty space still takes time

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

My little corner of space looks pretty quiet, which is a pleasant start to the evening. Launching scanning probes, blanketing the system, and warping to a more central point shows the home system to be clear of hostile ships and unexpected signatures, which lets me take time to see what ...

Running in to a siege

Saturday, January 28th, 2012

Three extra signatures seems like a lot. Can they all be Sleepers? Yes, they can, being gas, gas, and our static wormhole, which doesn't really count as a new signature but a replacement for yesterday's. Silly me. I activate the two new ladar sites and jump to our neighbouring class ...

Scanning in two directions

Saturday, August 6th, 2011

The bivouac is being taken down, to accommodate a lull in corporate activity, exits permitting. So far, today's scouts have scanned as deep as a class 6 system and are thinking about stopping, a route through deadly w-space not ideal for exporting ships. There's no harm in taking a look, ...