Archive for September, 2008

Weekend gaming

Monday, September 22nd, 2008

After the hectic week at work it was nice and relaxing to have little to do over the weekend. I passed the time with a fair bit of gaming whilst also taking advantage of the wonderful weather by going out for a few walks. With my small but ...

A new notebook

Saturday, September 20th, 2008

I've been thinking about buying a new notebook computer for a while, even toying with the idea of getting an Eee a few months back. The main impetus for getting a notebook is to let me write more comfortably by sitting on the sofa rather than at the computer ...

Kenickie eats again

Friday, September 19th, 2008

When I got my new kitty, Kenickie, almost a year ago he took to the biscuits I fed him immediately, making satisfying 'nom nom nom' sounds whenever he got peckish and snacked from his dry food bowl. Finding some meat-based cat food that he liked was a bit more ...

It's a drone's life

Thursday, September 18th, 2008

'I don't like this, it's too quiet out there.' 'You never like missions, Drone2, always worried about something or other. It never feels good in this bay, the sole small window feeding claustrophobic fears. As soon as we're jettisoned in to space and hurtling around a frigate in a ...

Back on two wheels

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

After finding my bike had a puncture yesterday, I arranged its recovery today. The bike was picked up from the company car park in the middle of the afternoon, and I got a call a little over an hour later informing me that the tyre had been repaired and ...

Missed another gig

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

I missed a gig recently, and fortunately worked out why I had missed it and had another opportunity to see the same band soon afterwards. Unfortunately, events conspired against me. For a start, tickets were not available to buy for the gig, but I kept myself feeling positive ...

Imagine a fight with cannons

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

There are quite a few places in Azeroth, the world of World of Warcraft, that look similar, which shouldn't be surprising as many of the towns and cities were probably designed by the same architects. Within the occasionally familiar-looking walls there are usually many discriminating and often unique features ...

Prison break

Monday, September 15th, 2008

'It's good to see you again, Penny Ibramovic.' My agent is always happy to see me, I'd better not tell him about the radioactive waste I just dumped in the station. For some reason there were no buyers on the market, so I had to ditch it somewhere ...

Connecting the dots

Sunday, September 14th, 2008

What's the connection between being refused petrol unless I take my helmet off and not buying the computer game Spore? In both cases I am inconvenienced, the former because of the insignificant threat of robbery or theft and the latter because of a perceived threat of piracy affecting sales. ...

Proposition bets

Saturday, September 13th, 2008

I have a keen interest in confidence tricks, with the social engineering and clever scams required to make them work. This interest led me to the book The Big Con, which is an enlightening read about the long cons of the early twentieth century, documented by a professor who ...