Missing mining by moments

Friday, September 19th, 2014

Well, ain't this place a geographical oddity? Exploring through a K162 wormhole from low-sec takes me to a class 2 w-space system with only two planets, anomalies scattered between them, but one planet hogging all of the signatures. It's a curious sight indeed. My directional scanner is clear of just ...

Mirror constellation

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

We need to get rid of some of these sites. The home w-space system is getting awfully cluttered with gas, rocks, Sleepers. What must visitors think? Maybe I can ask them, all I have to do is pop through this K162 from class 4 w-space. But jumping to C4a sees ...

Content with scanning a way home

Monday, April 1st, 2013

All looks quiet, and it probably is. My scanning probes show just some anomalies and our static wormhole in the home system, giving me one way to go to find trouble. Or get in to it. I warp to the wormhole and jump to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system. ...

Missing ships is understandable, missing a tower is careless

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012

I've made my decision. There's no point heading back through the wormhole that leads me to reds, not after I have taken a pot-shot at one of them and have concluded that they are waiting for me. That pretty much leaves me one direction to travel, although I suppose I ...

Empty scanning

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012

Mr Onyx from last night has sent me a mail. Apparently, the next connecting system their class 5 w-space home had, after I left and they finished collapsing the wormhole I fled through, led to a C3 with nearly thirty signatures, a static exit to null-sec, and no other wormholes. ...

Mangling a Merlin mashing

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

Fin's next door, but through a K162 to more class 4 w-space and not our static connection. 'No one's home, but they don't run their sites anyway.' As she scans for further K162s I head to our unvisited neighbouring class 3 system. Seven scanning probes light up my directional scanner, ...

Lack of combat leads to mining

Friday, August 31st, 2012

I could use a bit of cheering up. Popping a planet goo hauler would work, but I can't find one in the home system. I suppose that's for the best, as Aii may not like me shooting him again. Scanning my way out of home shows just a gravimetric site ...

Picking on a piddly Probe

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

Let me start again. I've already scanned our static wormhole, jumped to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system, and spotted scanning probes whizzing around the system. A Cheetah covert operations boat blipping on my directional scanner caused me to jump home and plant an interceptor on the wormhole, which generally ...

Staying safe slaying Sleepers

Saturday, April 21st, 2012

I'm back in the empty space of the home system. But it's not empty for long, as a minute later my glorious leader appears. Let's get going! The home system is clear of ships and signatures of dubious origins, there being only some expected gas and the static wormhole. The ...

Running the gauntlet of empty w-space

Monday, February 20th, 2012

After yesterday's shenanigans I think I'd better swing by our tower to see if it's still there. Popping the Noctis of a significant fleet to deny them a good hundred million ISK in profit may have caused some ire in them, but it's good to see they haven't taken it ...