Gnomesblight conquers The Nexus and Utgarde Keep

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

In World of Warcraft my warrior, Sapphire, has been through The Nexus with a pick-up group (PuG) as well as going on a guild run of Utgarde Keep. My death knight, Gnomesblight, on the other hand, has yet to experience an instance in Northrend. With the guild's successful ...

Ascending Utgarde Keep

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

I spend so much time in New Eden that it is almost the end of the weekend before I wake up Sapphire in World of Warcraft. My guild is optimistic about getting a Northrend instance run scheduled and I am looking forwards to it myself. The choice is ...

Stumbling in to The Nexus

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

I haven't really done much in the way of instances in Northrend yet. This is because my small guild has been a little fragmented over the holidays, my taking time to level a death knight through Outlands and somehow perservering with her mining and blacksmithing skills, even before the ...

Entering Northrend

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

I am finally ready to enter Northrend. I know it has been over six weeks since the Wrath of the Lich King expansion was released, and indeed installed on my system, but I've been busy. I tried out the new death knight class and not only found the ...

Pet sounds

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

My EU-based protection warrior, Tiger, teams up with Melmoth's paladin for some wide-eyed, happy-to-be-here exploration of Northrend. On the gryphon flight to Menethil Harbour to catch the ship to Howling Fjord, still avoiding the Borean Tundra for now, Melmoth remarks on how the hunter class always seems to get ...