Testing the fleet in a class 5 w-space system

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

The corporation fleet has the opportunity to test itself. We live in a class 4 w-space system and generally engage Sleepers at this level or below. Today our neighbourhood holds a class 5 w-space system with a catacylismic variable phenomenon, which increases remote repair rates and capacitor capacity, ...

Welcoming tourists to w-space

Friday, June 25th, 2010

My Manticore roams local w-space looking for activity. The stealth bomber is small and agile, yet can pack quite a punch. It mostly suffers when attacking ships that can fight back, as its small hull doesn't withstand much damage, and as I am flying solo I need to ...

Giving up an ambush for Sleepers

Monday, June 21st, 2010

I'm going to be nosy next door. Our static connection has been opened and the bookmark dropped, but little else seems to be scanned. I jump in to the neighbouring class 4 w-space system and check my directional scanner. Seeing only celestial bodies I launch probes and ...

Sabotaging another salvaging operation

Monday, June 7th, 2010

Systems have been scanned, there are bookmarks waiting in the can. I make copies and follow a corporation colleague as he goes off to roam in his Arazu recon ship, choosing a Manticore stealth bomber for myself. I have visited our neighbouring class 4 system twice before, the ...

Awkward escalations

Friday, June 4th, 2010

All is quiet in w-space. There is no activity in the systems connecting to our own, and the miner we extorted for iskies hasn't come out to recover his losses yet. I am told that we really ought not to bother him after successfully ransoming his ship earlier, ...

Ready to get right back in the saddle

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Revenge is a dish best served as dessert. Otherwise it wouldn't technically be revenge, I suppose. Back at the tower in my new Onyx, more engineers have turned up and are looking for action. The visitors from high-sec are still attacking Sleepers in the C1 system a ...

Kicking back in Sleeper anomalies

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

The interlopers are gone, our system is quiet. Our neighbouring class 4 w-space system has no new wormholes connecting in to it, the occupied class 2 along from that shows no activity, and neither does the empty C1 that ends the chain. We are nicely isolated from threats ...

Interceptor test flight

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

A K162 leading to a class 4 w-space system is an invitation to plunder. It is even more inviting when the wormhole starts its EOL cycle just as we pass through it, which should discourage our neighbours from following us home if they happen to take offense at our ...

Taking care not to be caught unawares

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

Our wallets need bolstering, so we head to today's neighbouring w-space system to plunder some Sleeper wrecks. Radar sites are a little too fiddly for tonight's schedule, so we'll stick to clearing basic anomalies. And as if to enforce our time limit for the evening our static wormhole ...

The oblivious Hulk

Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

The evening starts quietly in w-space, I need to make my own entertainment. I could continue to mine the bistot that I began to chip away at in a local gravimetric site, but I'm not really in the mood to mine by myself. There are bookmarks in the ...