Archive for January, 2013

Waking up a miner

Friday, January 11th, 2013

I collapsed a wormhole to a dull constellation, ended up in the wrong system when doing so, and took a tedious trip after getting Constance to scan a new route home for me. But as Constance also found a couple of K162s from class 4 w-space in our neighbouring C3 ...

Extending my map of visited systems

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

The siege went according to plan. I think. The first of two towers was put in to reinforced mode without much fuss, at which point the owners came on-line, bargained to save their w-space assets, and paid a multi-billion ISK fee to have us walk away. We don't get any ...

Setting up for a siege

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

It's so early. Can anyone really be awake in w-space? Apart from me, obviously. Maybe, as another scout has opened a wormhole in to our system, the K162 coming from class 2 w-space. Of course, that could have happened hours ago, even last night, with only the wormhole not yet ...

Scanning the constellation to nowhere

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

It's quiet at home, quiet at the neighbours. Scanning my way through our static wormhole puts me in an unoccupied and inactive class 3 w-space system. My notes point me to a tower from eleven months ago, but warping there finds it off-line and stripped of anything useful, which means ...

Training in diplomacy

Monday, January 7th, 2013

It's cold in space, and there's a cold in Penny. I'll restrict myself to light-duty w-spacing tonight, nothing too strenuous or stressful. And, just for once, I'd quite like circumstances to go according to plan at least for a few minutes, to make it feel like I have some semblance ...

Dullness in scanning

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

Fin's here, as is another new signature. The home system today holds a K162 wormhole from class 5 w-space, so I separate from my glorious leader to see what trouble I can find for the pair of us. Not much, at least not from the other side of the wormhole. ...

In it for the explosions

Saturday, January 5th, 2013

Decisions, decisions. Which way to turn in the w-space constellation? Behind me is a class 5 w-space system, holding a K162 through which I podded a gasser in class 6 w-space, whose home system beyond that C6 I have yet to find. But ahead of me, in our neighbouring class ...

Calm before the storm

Friday, January 4th, 2013

Hello, I'm a bit late. Poking through to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, after ambushing a pair of gassing ships and bagging me a cruiser podding, has an interesting sight on my directional scanner. There's not much unusual about a pair of towers, plus the Hurricane battlecruiser, Hound stealth ...

Getting lucky with gassers

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

The early Penny catches the planet gooer, so the traditional saying goes. It seems to have worked out for me in the past, so I'm awake in the home w-space system, scanning for wormholes, to see if I can find an unawares pilot to ambush. And would you look at ...

Leaving no Noctis for a Noctis

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

Two new signatures in the home system today could be interesting. And I'd say two extra wormholes are interesting. Our static connection to class 3 w-space is joined by two K162s, one from a class 4 system and one from a class 5 system. I end my reconnoitring by the ...