Archive for September, 2013

Aligned for an exit

Friday, September 20th, 2013

Extra signatures in the home system aren't accompanied by foreign ships. Do they lead somewhere? One leads to gas, the other two to wormholes, plus our static connection. That's good so far. Warping around sees a K162 from class 2 w-space, a K162 from class 3 w-space, and a disappointingly ...

Overkill Sleeper fleet

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

The home system is back to holding me and the static wormhole, at least as long as it takes me to resolve the wormhole and jump through to see what our neighbours are up to. Not much. A tower and complete lack of ships appears on my directional scanner, and ...

Scanning only takes me so far

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Do a couple of new signatures in the home system imply I have company? Maybe, as they are both incoming wormholes, one from class 3 w-space and one from class 5 w-space. I don't see many C3 K162s in our system, and is it may well lead to a dead ...

New Eden wormhole colours

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

Ever since copious amounts of dust spontaneously appeared in the galaxy one day, generally colourful nebulae have given each of New Eden's regions a distinctive look. And because wormholes act as tunnels between systems, allowing light through from the destination, it has been thought possible to identify what region of ...

Just poking around

Monday, September 16th, 2013

It's just the static wormhole that's new at home, and our neighbouring class 3 w-space system doesn't seem much more appealing, not with only a tower and shuttle visible on my directional scanner. I initiate warp to a distant planet so that I can launch probes only to see a ...

Wallowing in the aftermath

Sunday, September 15th, 2013

Reload, cloak, and jink. The two stealth bombers have been reduced to wrecks, the wrecks to space dust, and one pod to a scooped corpse. The siege of the off-line tower has been defeated. Not that I really cared one way or the other, I just wanted some explosions and ...

Sneaking up on a stealth bomber siege

Saturday, September 14th, 2013

There's nothing to do at home, so thank goodness for wormholes. And hello stealth bombers! Two of them, a Purifier and Manticore, are visible on my directional scanner in our neighbouring system, with nothing else in sight; no tower, no wrecks. What could they be doing? Moving away from the ...

Harrying a herd of haulers

Friday, September 13th, 2013

Less nonsense, more sense, please. High hopes for a Penny, but let's see what I can pull off tonight. A new signature in the home system smells like more gas for Aii, and it is, so I send myself through our static wormhole to take a look around. There's not ...

Ineffective against an Imicus

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

We really ought to try to make some iskies tonight. Throwing two strategic cruisers hard against a bait battlecruiser was kinda thrilling but it can't be done too often. Having the class 2 w-space occupants collapse their wormhole connecting to our home system will help, as will having a bunch ...

Dumb move

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

I'll maybe have just a little poke around w-space tonight. Aii's on-line and has scanned a bit, which should help speed up matters. 'I'm hunting in C2a.' Oh? Are there any pilots? 'A Myrmidon is clearing a site alone.' Well then, I'd better get a ship to you. My directional ...