Archive for April, 2016

Controlling Moray Towers Tower Control

Sunday, April 10th, 2016

I don't think I can beat my previous Tower Control battle, but only because it was so amazing, and it is churlish to stop for the evening after one game. So here we go again. Another good game, with some mistakes, some good splats, some impetuous charging ahead, some caution. That's ...

Excellent Moray Towers Tower Control, 20-3 with the Splatterscope

Saturday, April 9th, 2016

My first game of the evening, and it's a belter. Perhaps my best game of Tower Control, and one of my best Ranked battles so far, certainly with a charger. This is the battle that motivated me to make a 'Games of Fame' playlist on YouTube, and a game of ...

You can tell from the start in Rainmaker

Friday, April 8th, 2016

Three chargers on our team in Rainmaker, three shooters and one blaster on the other. Yeah, we're not going to do well in this battle. To be fair, we work quite well as a team. I don't think the chargers hampered us too much, although they certainly don't work as well in ...

Charging in Turf War

Thursday, April 7th, 2016

Another relaxing game of Turf War to unwind after a string of losses in Rainmaker. This time, I take my Splatterscope out for a ride on Camp Triggerfish, making use of the long lines-of-sight to ink plenty of turf and splat a handful of squids.

Am I really this bad at Rainmaker?

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016

Perhaps a poor question to ask with a postitive splat ratio using the Splatterscope on Saltspray Rig. But I'm feeling outclassed in a string of games, and it's making me wonder if I'm just bad. I'm sure it's a combination of things. Playing with/against better players, not making best use of ...

Overrun in Rainmaker

Tuesday, April 5th, 2016

Not feeling particularly good at Rainmaker with the Dual Squelcher, it's probably not the best idea to switch to the Splatterscope. But whatever. If I want to improve my situational awareness, and get better at dealing with the relative ranges of weapons, it seems like a good plan, if a ...

Feeling mostly hopeless in Rainmaker

Monday, April 4th, 2016

2-10 with the Dual Squelcher. At least one of those splats was on the Rainmaker, almost on top of our podium, but I'm just feeling like I'm outclassed in Ranked play still. It's difficult to improve when you're suppressed so effectively in many battles. Still, I seize an opportunity late in ...

Letting off steam in Turf War

Sunday, April 3rd, 2016

My Rainmaker battles keep frustrating me. Lots of skilled squids out to make me lose the coveted A rank tonight, it seems. Swapping weapons isn't helping, so I revert to a battle of Turf War just to feel like I can actually play well. That doesn't go to plan at first. ...

One squid down in Rainmaker

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

The battle starts with our team missing a squid. I think we know which way the battle is going to go, but there's nothing to do but give it the best of British. We put up a good struggle, given the circumstances, and I even think we have a chance of ...

Wailed near the podium in Rainmaker

Friday, April 1st, 2016

0-11 with the Splatterscope, but I carry the Rainmaker 7 times (once by accident), and do a pretty good job of avoiding the Killer Wails. Even with my performance with the charger, I am pleased with my contribution to the battle.