Bait is occasionally eaten

Saturday, July 13th, 2013

Okay. No wasting time watching inactive, idling industrialists in haulers tonight. Well, not too much, at least. But maybe I won't even find one in the first place, and I certainly won't if I don't leave the home system. Let's see what's out there. Three new signatures at home to ...

Bumbling behind a Bestower

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

All looks clear. What do my probes say, with their greater reach? All looks clear, although there are two extra signatures in the home system. Go get 'em, boys! It's just rocks and gas in equal measure, so home defence can stand down. But let's see if can provoke some ...

Reconnoitring a red system

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

I'm back for more mayhem and explosions. What are the odds that I can achieve that, though? The neighbouring class 3 w-space system is occupied by a five-capsuleer corporation and had no other connections but its exit to low-sec, and the wormhole in the low-sec system had a single connection ...

Bringing back the brains

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

All I want is my sammich. Why must you tease me so? I warp away from the tower, after watching a Bestower appear, go off-line, a second appear and go off-line, only to get as far as the wormhole home when the hauler makes a reappearance on my directional scanner. ...

Expanding further

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

I come on-line for an exploratory poke around w-space to see my glorious leader and the poppet in the home system. I sense great mining is afoot. But nope, 'we have a C2, with a high-sec to Kador'. That's the only K162 in the home system, and the second static ...

Rats in Fountain

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

I'm hoping for more luck tonight, after yesterday's rotten exploration. Too many systems, not enough pilots, and a diversion through high-sec. It wasn't much fun. But maybe entertainment will come to me today, with two extra wormholes in the home system. The K162 from class 5 w-space that's at the ...

Keeping the skill queue flowing

Saturday, May 25th, 2013

I'm only really here to update my skill queue. It's not full enough to make it through another day, so even though I was going to have a night off I'm sucked back in to w-space, however briefly. But I should be okay. I can quit any time I want. ...

Hauling haulers

Saturday, May 18th, 2013

No one's home, but a bookmark has been left for me. It looks to point towards our static wormhole, which ostensibly should save time. I'll still scan, of course, as new signatures could have cropped up, but if I get the expected number of sites it will be trivial to ...

Not getting involved

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

I'm back and looking for more than a simple scanning frigate. I won't find that at home, but I was planning to roam the current constellation and probe for new connections, so that's okay. Jumping to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system sees no change, and a blanket scan reveals ...

Tower prod

Monday, May 13th, 2013

Huh, only three signatures. One of them's our K162 home too, making this class 3 w-space system pretty bare. It's barer since I popped a salvaging destroyer and podded a bystander, but I'm moving on from that. The two other signatures will help, being the typical static exit to low-sec, ...