Missing gas and getting rocks

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011

There is w-space activity today, but it may already be too late for me. 'I spooked their salvager', Mick tells me of a corporation in a class 4 system connecting to our neighbouring C3. Mick's now sitting in a cloaked heavy interdictor on the K162 in the C3 waiting for ...

Finishing what others start

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

Everyone's here already, but I'm told our neighbouring system is boring. The class 3 w-space system has four anomalies, one ladar gas harvesting site, and a static exit to low-sec empire space. There is a tower, too, but no activity. Sounds okay to me, we can make some iskies to ...

Lucky escape

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

I'm going to declutter our messy home system. My first task of the day is to activate some pesky gravimetric and ladar sites. We don't need to get rid of all of them, just in case the mining bug infects us or we need some gas, for whatever gas is ...

An evening for Sleeper profit

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

Today's scanning finds me a new ladar signature and a new wormhole. I resolve them both, but jump through only one. There must be more than a single planet and its moons in this class 3 w-space system, so I bookmark the wormhole, launch scanning probes, and warp away to ...

Aftermath of the Noctis kill

Sunday, January 30th, 2011

A Noctis isn't much use when salvaging other people's wrecks. The salvager ship's tractor beams won't be able to lock on to wrecks owned by others, negating the main bonuses of improved range and speed of the beams. A more traditional destroyer is more suitable, being agile and quick, zipping ...

Aiming quick and low

Thursday, January 13th, 2011

I have a new scanning routine. I know that I really need to switch to combat scanning probes when hunting, negating the need to warp to a mining site, and potentially getting spotted should I get decloaked on a rock or cloud, but I much prefer the simplicity of core ...

One site at a time

Sunday, January 9th, 2011

Fully fed, I get back in my ship to glorious leader Fin reporting a sighting of a Probe name 'Lost in EVE' on her directional scanner in the C3. Maybe this means a K162 wormhole has opened in to the system, offering more opportunity for exploration and perhaps combat. I ...

Spooking a salvager

Sunday, December 12th, 2010

I am left a single bookmark, pointing to our home w-space system's static wormhole. I shall take advantage of this act of generosity and explore what lies beyond. Jumping in to our neighbouring class 3 system shows promise, as there are sisters core scanning probes and some armour maintenance bots ...

More quiet profit from Sleepers

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

The home system is empty, and I am by myself. I refrain from performing a full scan of the system, restricting myself to look only for wormholes. The signatures won't change without interference, and without evidence of external visitors I expect the system to look similar from day to day. ...

Quietly making ISK

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

Ever closer to having my safety net, I assemble and fit two Buzzard covert operations boats. Constance can't use the cloaking device yet, but I can fit it and leave the boat in the hangar for her to pick up. The cloak will go off-line if she boards it now, ...