Keeping out the neighbours

Monday, May 10th, 2010

I'm curious about what happens after I shoot the miner and collect his ore. I head back to the system in my Buzzard to see if anything is happening, warping to the tower on the outer planet first. I am interested in the tower because it held a ...

Returning reinforcements

Friday, April 30th, 2010

Any help is appreciated, and I have a bookmark for the home system's static wormhole waiting for me. It's an invitation to jump through and explore today's local systems. Next door is a big system, big enough to encourage me to scan each planet's space individually, rather than ...

Bumping in to an acquaintance

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Our scan man is out scanning, assessing potential threats before we consider clearing some sites of specific Sleeper interest. Today's neighbouring system is unoccupied, which is a good start, but the next system along has a tower with a Moa and Buzzard inside its shields. We will need ...

Disturbing a Drake

Monday, April 26th, 2010

A potential target presents itself early. An ally is guided out of our system back to empire space by a colleague, and on the way out he spies a Helios on a wormhole. As usual, I jump in to my Onyx heavy interdictor, and Fin accompanies me in ...

Poking the wasp nest

Friday, April 16th, 2010

The evening starts promisingly. There are lots of bookmarks waiting in the can, tempting me to go roaming in my Manticore stealth bomber again. But warping to our static wormhole reveals that the bookmarks are a day stale, so instead I swap in to my Buzzard scanning boat ...

Hunting a Buzzard

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

A mining barge sometimes isn't enough, particularly a mining barge used as bait. With Sleeper destruction wrapped up for the evening I visit our connected w-space systems to look for any activity. Nothing in our neighbouring system's tower has changed, and four more systems across the wreck of ...

Stalking and being stalked

Monday, April 12th, 2010

I turn up to the familiar operation of trying to return a colleague home. Our scan man found himself on the wrong side of our static wormhole as we collapsed it, and piloted himself out to empire space. Now we are to get him back. I don't ...

Losing profit to w-space neighbours

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

Intruders! There are capsuleers in our home w-space system shooting Sleepers, and it's not us. And as the external fleet has a Legion strategic cruiser, two Nighthawk command ships, two Basilisk logistic ships, and an expensive Tempest Fleet Issue battleship, these are not people we could scare away ...