Archive for May, 2009

Business is booming

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

Being somewhat occupied with cinema over the weekend left little time for visiting New Eden. Indeed, because of travel time in and out of London, feeding myself and catching up with sleep the most I could manage was to check my status using Capsuleer. I expect to find ...

Capsuleer 2.0 available

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

Capsuleer is now at version 2.0 and is much improved over its initial release. The pilot information screen familiar to users of version 1.0 is still present, detailing the skill being learnt and its completion date and time, your skill point total, and the ISK balance of your wallet, ...

Sci-fi London Film Festival 2009

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

The beginning of May brings with it six days of sci-fi films and panels at the Sci-Fi London Film Festival, 2009 marking the eighth year of the festival. With a bunch of tickets bought in advance a few friends and I spend the best part of the bank holiday ...

Oh, what a giveaway

Monday, May 4th, 2009

After a shaky start I have managed to get the hang of jousting in the Argent Tournament, defeating valiants and champions alike in quick order for the daily quests. My warrior, Sapphire, has already become a champion of the Exodar and Darnassus and is now jousting for Gnomeregan whilst ...

Improving my project management skills

Friday, May 1st, 2009

Sales are going quite well in the regional market of New Eden I've been exploiting. I still have quite a lot of stock to sell but turnover continues at a modest pace and can provide bursts of income by monitoring my sell orders and adjusting prices where necessary. ...