Archive for May, 2010

A series of unfortunate events

Monday, May 17th, 2010

Destroying a salvager has annoyed a fleet. The Tengu strategic cruiser has found the wormhole connecting to our home system easily enough but it looks like he gets bored quickly and warps off. The four Drake battlecruisers leave the anomaly where we engaged the Cormorant destroyer and jump ...

Catching a Cormorant

Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Someone is being nosy. There are probes visible on the directional scanner along with an Arbitrator when I wake up at our tower in w-space. The uncloaked cruiser seems like an odd choice of ship to be scanning in, so it could be a separate vessel. But ...

Where I've not been recently

Sunday, May 16th, 2010

I've visited an awful lot of systems in the past six months, it makes it a shame that few of them appear on a map. I haven't even made many trips to empire space—appearing in an arbitrary location and having to make several jumps here and there to go ...

Scanning to nowhere

Saturday, May 15th, 2010

Fin is scanning our neighbouring system. A bookmark to our static wormhole has been left in our shared can, so I make a copy and set off in my Buzzard to join her. The system is unoccupied and has a wealth of signatures, mostly gas, and Fin lets ...

A massed fleet of one

Friday, May 14th, 2010

I am flying solo again. I head out to scan, hoping to find some juicy miner targets. Resolving the location of our system's static wormhole I warp to it and jump through to find I am spat out over 9 km away from the wormhole. This is further ...

Surprising a salvager

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

It's good to be motivated. Our scan man isn't able to return home from empire space using yesterday's route so I can go out to scan for a new route. My newly acquired Sister's scanning probes will come in handy, thanks to the Heron pilot who unwillingly donated ...

Bubbles and birds

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

At last, there is something to shoot. Another scout through the neighbouring systems shows the strategic cruisers have gone, replaced by some small warp bubbles. That's a neat trick. Fin and I launch our Manticore stealth bomber squad and ostentatiously waste some faction torpedoes clearing the bubbles ...

Circling wormholes

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

There is still nothing happening. I go out in my Buzzard scanning boat to entertain myself looking for sites. The neighbouring class 4 w-space system is my first destination, scanning every last signature to look for anything of interest. There are some good sites to run if ...

How to be useful in w-space

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

People are always asking me1 how they can make a useful contribution to an established w-space corporation. There appear to be concerns about knowledge, experience, and skills that all need to be improved before feeling ready to leave empire space behind. Knowledge can best be imparted by closer ...

Looking to cause trouble

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

The early bird gets the worm. Sadly this bird is not early enough to catch yesterday's static wormhole and roam for unsuspecting targets. However, there is a mail alert blinking at me. Our scan man disappeared through a stable wormhole that unexpectedly collapsed before he could return, ...