Not much of anything
2nd February 2011 – 5.43 pmI start scanning the home system and realise it is a good day to take a proper look around. I am by myself, the afternoon is relatively early, and plenty of sites are missing. I could do with removing the defunct bookmarks to get a clearer picture of the system when looking for the static wormhole. I reduce the range of my scanning probes, form them in to a standard cluster, and probe each bookmark in as efficient an order I can muster.
Mid-way through the scan, glorious leader Fin arrives. She lets me know of some visitors we had, moving from our neighbouring class 3 system, to a C4 that connected in to us, making the class 4 system their new home. That may make our static connection a little tired, potentially limiting our own activities. But the full scan of the home system is complete and I only have the single wormhole resolved, so at least there will be no more travel through here. And the full scan shows how busy Fin has been mining, most ladar sites gone and a couple of gravimetric sites too, with a few new sites and some more anomalies showing up. Most importantly, I have it all mapped.
Warping to the only wormhole in our system shows that the static connection is actually quite healthy. I imagine that the earlier ship movements started long enough ago for the wormhole to collapse of old age and be replaced by this current one. Jumping in to the class 3 system sees a Sacrilege heavy assault ship, Rook recon ship, and Armageddon battleship on my directional scanner, but they all turn out to be unpiloted inside the shields of a tower. There is no one home and no activity. Instead of scanning, Fin suggests collapsing the wormhole and starting again.
An Orca industrial command ship is pushed through the wormhole a few times, my Widow black ops ship helping to destabilise it too, but the wormhole appears to have a bit of extra winter mass. Instead of collapsing on schedule it lingers unwelcome, like a fart in a lift. We could try squeezing another ship through and back, hoping to give it that last push to oblivion, but without an exit wormhole scanned and a general malaise sweeping over the both of us we decide instead to have an early night.
The following day is quiet again. The newly made full set of bookmarks of the home sites makes finding the static wormhole easy. Or it would, if a new ladar site hadn't appeared overnight. I resolve and bookmark that, and then locate the static connection to today's C3, a little awkward to spot being over 4 AU from any celestial object. But find it I do and I jump in to a familiar system. Our last visit a month ago saw a rather inattentive Thanatos pilot stray outside of his tower's shields, giving Fin the opportunity to bomb a carrier. But there's no one here today.
There are three towers in the system, the one from my notes being where Fin bombed the Thanatos, the other two I need to locate. I see no ships at any of the towers, and d-scan isn't revealing any activity either. I remember that it looked like the pilots woke up at the tail-end of our own time of operations, so if they are going to appear it will likely be quite a while later, and I am not keen to wait so long for probably no benefit. I make a quick blanket scan of the system—finding eleven anomalies and ten signatures—without delving any deeper as to what's here. I know the static wormhole will lead out to null-sec k-space and I have no business there. I simply head home and have a relaxing evening off-line.
4 Responses to “Not much of anything”
Saw this fit a while ago, and thought it might help you close wormholes. Note - I have not tried this out myself yet.
That looks like a good idea, one we can adapt for the Onyx. Tiny ship going out, massive ship coming back.
Thanks for the link!
You've mentioned it a couple of times, but I'm still curious. Without Local, how can you tell the difference between a ship that is not piloted and a piloted ship just sitting there?
You can't indirectly, you need to get on grid with the ship. Finding the ships is generally easy, as towers are always anchored to moons and can be found using d-scan. If a ship is not at a tower it can generally be assumed it is piloted, particularly if wrecks or drones are also out, although there is the occasional abandoned ship floating in space.
A previous comment of mine has an example of piloted and unpiloted ships on the overview, which also applies to looking at the ship directly in space.