Not every exit can be an entrance

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

The static wormhole in our system is feeling the stress. Our corporation has pushed enough ships through that the wormhole's mass allowance is below half. But a Manticore stealth bomber can still come and go as it pleases, and I jump out of our system to roam our ...

Neutralising a Nidhoggur

Friday, August 6th, 2010

I'm not quite sure what I'm seeing. I've just ganked two ships mining gas, only podding one of the pilots because the other got away, and now a Nidhoggur carrier has appeared on my overview. I think this is the first time I've seen a carrier being piloted ...

Lost and found

Thursday, August 5th, 2010

The wormhole's dead, long live the wormhole! Our static connection is collapsed after the neighbouring system has been plundered and I arrive in time to help scan the new constellation. The replacement static wormhole is easy to find and jumping through to the class 4 w-space system presents ...

Incidental Ishtar

Monday, July 5th, 2010

W-space beckons me again. I take my collection of bookmarks to wormholes and wander around the neighbourhood to see what's happening. The local cluster seems relatively quiet, including a system I overlooked earlier in the veritable constellation of w-space systems all connecting in to each other today. ...

Looking for high-sec

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

We're going to roll our hole. Regardless of the ambush of the salvager and the occupancy of the same class 3 w-space system, the lack of decent exit to empire space is feeling restrictive. We want to get out to high-sec space, for a change, to buy some ...

Losing a Maller, making a profit

Monday, June 28th, 2010

The local w-space systems are mapped and we have a simple route from home to high-sec empire space. Copying the bookmarks across to my systems shows that the exit leads to The Forge region, which could potentially be close to many of my k-space possessions. I have been ...

Giving up an ambush for Sleepers

Monday, June 21st, 2010

I'm going to be nosy next door. Our static connection has been opened and the bookmark dropped, but little else seems to be scanned. I jump in to the neighbouring class 4 w-space system and check my directional scanner. Seeing only celestial bodies I launch probes and ...

Watching a wormhole collapse

Monday, June 7th, 2010

The fleet is safely home, but we'd rather no one follows. The decision is made to collapse our static wormhole, with the hopes that any repercussions from earlier will be minimised. It doesn't look like the capsuleers we attack are actively looking for us but it is better ...

Back to scanning and repping

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

A potential mining system is reported as found. We don't look for systems with rich gravimetric sites so we can mine ore, though, the report is to make us aware that perhaps we'll have defenceless targets to shoot at some point in the evening. Let's hope so. ...

Surprising a salvager

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

It's good to be motivated. Our scan man isn't able to return home from empire space using yesterday's route so I can go out to scan for a new route. My newly acquired Sister's scanning probes will come in handy, thanks to the Heron pilot who unwillingly donated ...