Overlooking the obvious

Friday, June 11th, 2010

Earlier scanning by scouts has found a route to empire space. The journey leads from home through the static C4 system to a C3, and from there to low-sec space. A class 6 w-space connection is also found in the C3, but all systems seem quiet. Fin ...

Restraining a Raven

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

The corporation has been busy. My colleagues are out of our home system and shooting an off-line tower that they owners didn't feel was worth paying a ransom for. That's a shame, but I suppose as our fleet has already popped the hangars and stolen everything ejected there ...

Bubbles and birds

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

At last, there is something to shoot. Another scout through the neighbouring systems shows the strategic cruisers have gone, replaced by some small warp bubbles. That's a neat trick. Fin and I launch our Manticore stealth bomber squad and ostentatiously waste some faction torpedoes clearing the bubbles ...

Securing a new w-space system

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Ever since the corporation's first excursion in to and return from w-space there have been eager scouts scanning down systems looking for the next potential wormhole system in which to set up base. Ideally, the wormhole will lead to a certain class of w-space system, one that is challenging ...

Ice mine

Monday, June 1st, 2009

'Get me some ice, would you Penny?', asks my Core Complexion, Inc. agent. Uh, will do, guvnor. I'm not sure why his secretary can't handle such a request until I find out he wants more than a couple of cubes for his daiquiri, ten thousand cubic metres of ...

New Frontiers: Raw Materials

Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

My agent asks me to mine some Green Arisite, a variant of the Gneiss mineral, for a new research project. There a catch in that the ore can only generally be found in low-sec systems. I ponder this for a minute, as going in to a low-sec system ...

PvB: player versus bully

Sunday, August 10th, 2008

I knew EVE Online was a player vs. player (PvP) game when I started, and I knew that I probably wouldn't like the PvP aspects of the game if they were anything like my previous unfettered PvP experiences. Specifically, experiences where the only PvP people engage in are the ...