'Default' should be a viable configuration

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

It's time to bite the bullet. I'm hitting the reset button on all my settings, come hell or high water. Actually, I'm kind of expecting hell to come, as I am about to commit every element of the interface be back to its horrible default position and size. Thankfully, I ...

Another notch for a Noctis

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

I'm back in space and looking for something to shoot. I was in our neighbouring class 3 w-space system six weeks ago and the tower I have listed remains in the same place, although no one is home. A blanket scan confirms no obvious ships are in the system and ...

Back to the routine

Monday, July 4th, 2011

My first day home, what shall I do? I know, I can scan! Oh, how exciting. But it might actually be, as I briefly see a Rifter frigate on my directional scanner, giving me a feeling there is more than one wormhole to find today. Before I can start looking ...

Tracking local activity

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

Finding the static wormhole is easy when it remains in the same place as yesterday. And as much as a time saving as that is I remain happy that jumping in to our neighbouring class 3 w-space system is different each time. Today I see a Buzzard covert operations boat ...

Bumbling about in w-space

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

There is only one Orca industrial command ship parked outside our tower, Fin must still be stuck in empire space. Poor glorious leader Fin, I must find a way home for her. I scan for wormholes, looking for today's static connection to a class 3 w-space system, whilst I also ...

Cat and mouse

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

It's just me at the moment, me and a bookmark. A rather familiar-looking bookmark, I have to admit, and I realise that it points to our static wormhole from yesterday, a wormhole that must have collapsed by now. I delete the old reference and go scanning anew, happy to see ...

Practice drones

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

Where have our anomalies gone? It looks like the visitors we had the other day not only cleared all the sites they could handle but activated those they couldn't, or didn't have time to complete. Scanning the home system finds no anomalies in our system now, which at least means ...

Building our capability

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

Fin's been scanning, and has found an oddity. The first class 3 w-space system she found connected by our static wormhole had an exit to low-sec empire space, which is far from unusual, but collapsing that wormhole to get a second one results in a C3 with an exit to ...

Scanning a route to nowhere

Saturday, May 1st, 2010

W-space is mine to explore. I quickly find the static wormhole in our own system and jump in to the C4 on the other side. The neighbouring system holds no surprises, being unoccupied and mostly empty, the outer planet keeping a close eye on the system's static wormhole. ...