Slow, slow, fast

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Some gas has drifted away, some new clouds have appeared. That's all the excitement in the home w-space system accounted for, is it any better next door? Not obviously, with my directional scanner clear from the K162 in the neighbouring class 3 system, although the black hole sits imposingly in ...

Traces of activity

Friday, August 16th, 2013

Old sites have dispersed, new sites have coalesced. Such is life in w-space. What's elsewhere? Two towers and a Thanatos carrier appear on my directional scanner in our neighbouring class 3 system, and I'm pushed seven kilometres from the K162 when jumping in to the system. Even without that clue ...

Rattling a 'snake

Friday, July 26th, 2013

Penny, bane of planet-gooers, is coming for your hauler. Resolving our static wormhole and jumping through finds a rather better target visible, though. My directional scanner is showing me a Rattlesnake faction battleship and drones, with no sign of a tower in range. I don't see any wrecks, which isn't ...

Null-sec hub

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Nom nom nom, 100 M ISK brains are good eating. Now back in w-space, a few hours after the pair of gooing hauler ambushes, what's new? A load of fuel bricks brought in from Amarr, that's what, thanks to my glorious leader taking advantage of that high-sec connection in the class 2 ...

Pleasure to miss you

Monday, June 3rd, 2013

I have limited time, but that won't stop me seeing what I can find to shoot. Scanning the home system and having a second wormhole appear in my results is a good start, as the K162 from class 5 w-space could be an indicator of activity. I jump through the ...

Another look at the lava planet

Friday, May 31st, 2013

Glorious leader Fin has scanned the home system by the time I come on-line. There's nothing new to be found, and even the untouched static connection from yesterday is in the same place. We give the command to touch C247, and jump through to an occupied but inactive class 3 ...

Going the long way home

Sunday, May 26th, 2013

I have the actual intention of scanning, exploring, and roaming this evening. Hopefully that's enough for me to find a target. The new signatures in the home system give me some rocks, gas, and a spare wormhole if our static connection should disappoint. It's a K162 from class 4 w-space, ...

Following the ion trail of an Iteron

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Aii's here, but is Aii really here? No, he's back in empire space, still shuffling ships around. That gives me another reason to scan, to give him a new entrance, as well as looking to make new friends in w-space. The home system looks clear, and jumping to the neighbouring ...

Terror of w-space

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

Hello, I have an invitation to join a fleet, from party unknown. What the hell, I accept, mysterious stranger. I make sure my cloaky Loki strategic cruiser is pointed in some arbitrary direction and moving at full speed before I do, on the unlikely chance that the fleet is in ...

Flying as a passenger

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

Fin has scanned, Aii's on his way home. That's not all my glorious leader has been up to, though. Not only has she sneaked an Orca across our neighbouring class 3 w-space system, the industrial command ship full of useful minerals, but Fin also nearly caught a Mammoth hauler when ...