Sometimes Splat Zones splat you

22nd April 2016 – 5.02 pm

Hey, look: it's Eddie! No hard feelings from the last time I spotted him, I hope. We're on the same team this time, at least. Not that it seems to help. The other squids take control of the Splat Zones and use their range to keep hold of them.

Maybe we could have done better, but they really pressed up the map to keep everything yellow. Oh well. Camp Triggerfish has been quite polarising this evening.

And sometimes you splat the Splat Zones

Let's try a weapon with a longer range than the Splattershot Jr. The Custom Dual Squelcher should be good. That has excellent range for a shooter, and the Custom model comes with a Killer Wail, just right for those long corridors of Camp Triggerfish.

It seems to work quite well. Being able to span the gap of Camp Triggerfish to the wall on the other side is very handy, not requiring me to squid around quite so much whilst still keeping plenty of turf inked. The Killer Wail works as expected too, but I'm sure I can improve my aim with it.

Onwards to more Splat Zones!

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