Recovering a ship from high-sec

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

There is an exit out to New Eden, but not just any exit. It's the second day in a row that a high-sec exit to The Citadel has presented itself, the region of my manufacturing base and where Tigress III has been abandoned. Yesterday we fought Sleepers, today ...

Shuttling ships to market

Sunday, January 31st, 2010

An exit is found to New Eden. Although it leads out to my manufacturing region, the wormhole is reaching the end of its natural lifetime, giving only a few hours before it collapses. 'Only a few hours' sounds like a long time—and it is—but the timing all depends ...

Collecting a spare Guardian

Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

My colleague and I make a concerted effort to find an exit to New Eden today. Fin is outside of w-space and we need to get her back in, with a new ship or two. I hop in to a Buzzard and get ready to locate some wormholes. ...

Autopilot back to HQ

Monday, January 11th, 2010

Alone at the tower means more scanning. Maybe we should invent a technology for more reliable passageway through w-space, perhaps some kind of 'gate' that links two star systems together. Until this marvellous new invention becomes a reality, I borrow the Buzzard again to try to find a ...

Manufacturing and minerals

Thursday, October 29th, 2009

It's quiet, which is good. A quick dash back from the corporation HQ to my manufacturing base lets me get some production runs started, once I identify the few gaps in my output that appear in my recent absence. Not being a natural miner, I unsurprisingly don't have ...

Returning from shore leave

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

I'm returning from some planetside furry rest and relaxation. A handful of days doesn't sound long, but when they are spent in relative isolation, with only personal-distance communication, there is plenty to catch up with when getting back in the pod. My first task is to refresh my ME research ...

Keeping my manufacturing plant static

Monday, October 5th, 2009

Kename Fin asks why I don't move my manufacturing base closer either to my mission base or the corporation headquarters, to improve convenience and encourage activity. Akura Kawanaka suggests using jump clones. I suspect my reply will be rather long to sit in a mere comment. Moving my manufacturing ...

A convenience Drake

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

I've been back in k-space for a while now, after the trouble of the insider theft from our w-space hangar. Although high-sec is safer and there is plenty to keep me occupied there isn't the same sense of camaraderie as being in a small fleet destroying Sleeper sites. ...

Crane for sale, only 28 AU on the clock

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

Perhaps a day too late, I invent a Crane. My partner in invention gets an early success with a Bustard BPC coming out of the laboratory, although the cost in datacores is quite high considering the number of failed attempts that come out at the same time. Undeterred, ...

If you price it, they will come

Monday, July 20th, 2009

I knew I should have kept more, but I panicked! Buying over five times as much mexallon as I need for a manufacturing run, hoping to sell the mineral back to the market to offset its rising price, gets me quite worried that I have been hasty in my ...