Refitting to rat

Friday, August 8th, 2014

Curiousity sated about the proximity of two wormholes in the Heimatar region, I turn my attention to see what's caused the wormhole to crackle. It's the Helios, the covert operations boat that I saw only briefly on my directional scanner in the class 3 w-space system, now poking through C3a's ...

Red squares mean null-sec

Sunday, July 6th, 2014

Undock from Jita, homeward trip planned and mapped, and align to the first stargate. This is all working out rather well, having sold a billion ISK of loot through a fortuitous wormhole, and we'll soon have the Revelation up and running properly. It may even be worth making a second ...

Cruising for a Covetor

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

Back to the class 5 w-space system and across to the last of the three wormholes I've resolved. It's a K162 to more class 5 w-space. I bet that Deimos heavy assault cruiser that entered our home system came from this way. Deeper I go, aiming to find out. Woo, ...

Bumping in to a Buzzard

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

Cock it! Wandering monsters have swiped all the ISK from our home. No more anomalies for us. Well, not a few days. They'll be back, I suppose. Under the circumstances, finding a second wormhole in the system isn't a surprise, possibly being the trail of breadcrumbs leading back to the ...

Marvel as you ascend in to your planar form

Monday, May 19th, 2014

I'm not really here yet, but it would be wise to check the state of the home system. It won't take long. I launch probes, perform a blanket scan, and see that all is fine. I'm very protective of our ore anomalies. I take care of a bit of business ...

Null-sec to null-sec to null-sec

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

Screw the Sleepers, a statement more meaningful were there many left in our home system. I paid my dues to maintaining our presence in w-space yesterday, culling plenty of the drones to help keep our wallet healthy with ISK, and today I am off exploring. Our neighbouring class 3 system ...

Causing ripples

Saturday, April 5th, 2014

I'll leave this class 2 w-space system alone. The one hauler I tried to catch got away and was replaced by a scout, who disappeared. I doubt anything interesting will happen here. But that's okay, as I've not been through our static wormhole yet, which could offer all sorts of ...

No Mammoth, no ghost site

Sunday, February 16th, 2014

Two new gas sites should keep Aii happily busy for a little while. Let's see if our static wormhole can do the same for me. Jumping to the neighbouring class 3 w-space system looks pretty ordinary, with a tower and no ships visible on my directional scanner, so I do ...

High-sec is closer than you think

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

Stuck in class 5 w-space. The wormhole home collapsed. Pilots looking to hunt me. It's looking to be an interesting evening. On my side, I have scanning probes already launched, whereas I don't see any from the home fleet on my directional scanner. That should give me a head start ...

Backwards to null-sec relics

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

Just the one signature to check in the home system, and it's not the static wormhole. My glorious leader scanned and resolved the replacement wormhole last night, after we collapsed the first, and that bookmark still seems valid. This other signature is also a wormhole, as it turns out, a ...