Archive for November, 2016

Close battle in Black Tie Splatfest (1115p, 2-1, Splatterscope)

Sunday, November 20th, 2016

It's been a bit of a rough start to the Splatfest, and I've swapped from the Tri-slosher to a Wasabi Splattershot and now to the Splatterscope. At least I should be able to cover a lot of turf without need to close with the other team. Not that using a ...

Going around the back in Black Tie Splatfest (1130p, 1-4, Tri-slosher)

Sunday, November 20th, 2016

I start this Splatfest with the Tri-slosher. I'm not sure why. It's not the Splatterscope, which I've been using almost exclusively in Ranked for a week or so, and although I don't really use the Tri-slosher in Turf War, it should be good, when used properly. I'm not convinced I'm using ...

Stomped out of S Rank in Splat Zones (5-6, Splatterscope)

Saturday, November 19th, 2016

One more loss will see me drop out of S Rank. Now, it's not that I am aiming for the loss, but it would be a relief to be back in A+ for a bit. I also have a bunch of time to rack up some more losses, if this ...

From win to loss in Splat Zones (2-1, Splatterscope)

Saturday, November 19th, 2016

Splat Zones were up and down for me yesterday, and they return today. I think the Splatterscope will help, either with inking lots of turf to hold the Zones, or my shaky aim dropping me out of S Rank. The first battle was average, the second terrible, so I join a ...

A few good splats in Splat Zones (3-0, Splatterscope)

Friday, November 18th, 2016

I've had a couple of moderately good battles this session, along with some really bad, quite demoralising, crushing defeats. I keep battling, telling myself that at least the losses get me closer to dropping out of S Rank. And then I finish the evening with this battle. Sure, I can't hit ...

Doing okay against chargers in Splat Zones (4-4, Splatterscope)

Friday, November 18th, 2016

Chargers versus chargers in Splat Zones. Not surprising given the maps are Kelp Dome and Camp Triggerfish. It's my first weapon of choice too, although I remain in S Rank and am still clearly out of my league. My superb skill deficiency is shown early in the battle, where I think ...

Charger fun on Bluefin Depot Tower Control (5-5, Splatterscope)

Thursday, November 17th, 2016

Let's stick with the Splatterscope for now. Practice makes perfect, or at least better, and the Tower gives me a decent platform to aim at. It looks like we have some heavy opposition, though. My first splat is actually my trying to be cautious, and I see the inkling come up ...

Charging in S Rank Tower Control (8-6, Splatterscope)

Thursday, November 17th, 2016

I was watching some of my best games, in the Games of Fame playlist, and was pretty impressed by some of the charging I've managed to do. Maybe I got some luck here and there, but even if it is luck, it's great when it happens. And it's also why ...

Kinda helping in S Rank Rainmaker (8-8, Soda Slosher)

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

Back in S Rank, back feeling a bit rubbish at the game as a result. I start with the Splatterscope, with pretty much the same plan as before to improve or drop out of S Rank, but it becomes clear that this will demotivate me today. Not the Splatterscope, not ...

Splatting it in Splat Zones (3-1, Tri-slosher)

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

I can't lose in Splat Zones tonight! I've won every battle, even when it didn't seem like we were winning. I've got knockouts, when I didn't think we were holding the Splat Zones. I'm getting dangerously close to S Rank again! Maybe the Tri-slosher is helping me out. I love this ...