Going past the Splat Zones

Monday, June 27th, 2016

Splat Zones is more than controlling the Splat Zones. If you can control the turf beyond the Splat Zones, you prevent the opposition from getting close to the objective. Of course, first you have to secure the Splat Zones yourself, and if it were that easy, everyone would do it. Museum d'Alfonsino ...

Trying to be a nuisance in Splat Zones

Monday, June 13th, 2016

As much as I like the Splatterscope, and it is more and more becoming my main weapon, I really enjoy running around with a rapid-fire shooter. It lets me be a nuisance in different ways. I get a great start in this Splat Zones battle, albeit after an early splatting. I ...

Flanking the Bluefin Depot Splat Zones

Sunday, June 12th, 2016

Swapping the Splatterscope for the Splattershot Jr, I am aiming to be more mobile, which means I want to flank the opposition. Going the long way around takes time, but if I can get behind the other inklings, the surprise should be worth the effort. My plan goes a bit wrong ...

Too ruthless Splatfest Ninja

Friday, June 3rd, 2016

That inkling with the Splash Wall is ruthless. I don't think I agree with his methods, however effective they are, but I also think the other side could have got out of their base more easily than they made it look. I leave him to it for the most part, opting ...

Difficult first game as a Splatfest Ninja

Thursday, June 2nd, 2016

Another Splatfest! Let's blast through the battles. To ease myself in to the Ninja vs Barbarian Splatfest, I take my old favourite in to battle, the Splash-o-Matic. I adopt my old techniques too. Half sneaking around the side routes, half running headlong in to trouble. I do try to be a ...

Splat Zones not going in to overtime

Friday, May 27th, 2016

Switching around the weapons, just for variety, I'm going with the Splattershot Jr in to Splat Zones. I like being mobile and not being predictable, so it's kinda funny when I try a fancy squid/jump/turn to prevent being splatted, only to have a different inkling splat me from behind anyway. Or ...

First look at Ancho-V Games in Turf War

Tuesday, May 10th, 2016

New map Ancho-V games gets added to the rotation. Time to break out an easy weapon and take a look around. Turf War is probably a better way to reconnoitre the map than Rainmaker, the ranked mode, so I join the queue and get ready. And in the queue for Turf ...

A+ rank still eludes me in Tower Control

Friday, April 29th, 2016

Note that when I take initial control of the tower, there are three purple squids, at least, contesting the central area, and only me representing the yellow squids. A look at the gamepad, as I have time during respawn, shows them to be faffing around at the edges. It's a ...

Hopelessly confused in Tower Control

Thursday, April 28th, 2016

A change of weapon to the Splattershot Jr, to see if I can improve my performance in Tower Control. The map moves back from Hammerhead Bridge to Kelp Dome, but that shouldn't matter. I'm hoping the Bubbler will help me out. What would also help is knowing what's happening. I completely ...

Sometimes Splat Zones splat you

Friday, April 22nd, 2016

Hey, look: it's Eddie! No hard feelings from the last time I spotted him, I hope. We're on the same team this time, at least. Not that it seems to help. The other squids take control of the Splat Zones and use their range to keep hold of them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6t70B3lOrE Maybe we ...