Archive for August, 2016

Convincing victory for blue in Pokemon Splatfest

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Splatfest Pokemon! I'm starting with the Splash-o-Matic, just to get myself back in the frame-of-mind for Turf War. I get a cheeky first splat deep in opposition territory, then get splatted for being a bit cocky. The route works well the first time, so why not keep doing it? I keep ...

Chargers everywhere in Tower Control

Sunday, August 7th, 2016

Three chargers on our team, two on theirs. That's to be expected for Camp Triggerfish, I suppose, but it doesn't make me confident all the same, so I go in to aggressive mode, looking to ride the tower and push in to opponent territory. It's not something I feel comfortable ...

Out-scoped in Tower Control

Saturday, August 6th, 2016

An E-litre 3K on the other team! This can only mean one thing: I shall be made to look mediocre. Well, maybe not straight away, as first ink is mine, but I doubt this brief moment of comparative competence will last. Instead of trying to out-scope the E-litre, which I will ...

Amazing support in Tower Control

Friday, August 5th, 2016

I'm not convinced a charger is the best weapon for riding the tower. But it's actually not a bad choice on Camp Triggerfish. The tower is nearly always over water, with gaps from either side, and vulnerable mostly from long-range attack. Defending yourself along the route almost requires a charger. Not ...

Last-minute losers in Tower Control

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

The Splatterscope can get to the tower, and ink up it, in only a few shots on Walleye Warehouse. That's quite handy, but myabe not if I'm also the one intending to ride the tower. I splat one squid, but don't have enough charge for the other. I have an embarrassing ...

Hit and miss in Tower Control

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016

A new evening, more Tower Control. Let's give the Custom Blaster another shot. There's the usual confusion at the start, as both teams jostle around the tower, and I get splatted as I can't jump high enough to reach some ink. I get my aim in briefly, and we push the ...

Splattershot and Bubbler in Tower Control

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

I'm about to quit for the night, but notice I am one battle away from being 'On Fire'. I can't leave it there, obviously, so I head back in. But as I have to win the battle to get fiery, I swap to something more reliable than the Custom Blaster ...

Zero-hour knockout in Tower Control

Monday, August 1st, 2016

No one jumps on the tower for the first 40 seconds of this battle! Admittedly, I am running around the side getting a couple of pre-emptive splats myself, but in my defence it is also me who first gets on the tower, and then rides it for half the map. ...