Being green in Splat Zones (14-4, Carbon Roller Deco)

Saturday, November 18th, 2017

I'm not quite sure what the best option is for the Carbon Roller Deco at Mahi-Mahi Resort Splat Zones. A Seeker straight ahead seems efficient, but leaves little option once at the end, as I find out. I try a different route, one that works for the Tri-slosher sometimes. It ...

It's a splattacre in Rainmaker (8-2, Carbon Roller Deco)

Thursday, November 16th, 2017

That wasn't a great Seeker across the grate, but it exploded against the wall close enough to splat my target anyway. That'll do. And the grate once again catches me out, as I miss-time my squidding and fall through. I pop back up to hassle the E-litre 3K, but she's ...

A second chance with the Rainmaker (12-6, Carbon Roller Deco)

Thursday, November 16th, 2017

That Seeker does a good job at compensating for my lack of lightning reflexes. Flanking at the start doesn't go as planned, though, but it rarely does. Still, we seem to get the jump with the Rainmaker, even if my initial support does little more than put me back in ...

Not getting far with the Rainmaker (14-4, Carbon Roller Deco)

Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

My previous battle gets me warmed up for this one, where I try to apply what worked. I get a couple of early splats, then head to where I can send my Seekers to ink and splat. Going in to the corner gets me cornered by the E-litre 3K, but ...

Seekers for the Rainmaker (18-5, Carbon Roller Deco)

Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

Why am I looking up? I dunno. It's easily corrected, and I get on track immediately. It's a bit of a miss at the inkling right in front of me, but at least I don't get splatted instead, not even by the Rainmaker's shield bursting. I prefer splatting Inkzookas anyway. ...

Pushing the Rainmaker forwards (5-5, Carbon Roller Deco)

Friday, November 10th, 2017

I don't recklessly grab the Rainmaker immediately, and keep checking to see if we're about to be flanked. It's a shame I miss the green ink in the background, but ultimately I don't think it matters. I also don't purposely pick up the Rainmaker, managing to inexpertly squid through the ...

Messy Rainmaker (15-6, Carbon Roller Deco)

Sunday, November 5th, 2017

A mediocre start for me, as I'm trying to work out what to do with my Carbon Roller Deco and its Seekers in Bluefin Depot. I'm sure the Carbon Roller works, but maybe not the Seekers. Perhaps the standard Carbon Roller would be better, with Burst Bombs and Inkzooka. But ...

Slow to the podium in Rainmaker (9-2, Carbon Roller Deco)

Sunday, November 5th, 2017

No green inklings are splatted when the Rainmaker's shield bursts, so it's probably worth hanging back for now. To prove it, I splat the green Rainmaker carrier pretty easily. I move up and get two more splats quickly, although one of them is me, slipping in to the drink. I head ...

Steaming ahead of the Rainmaker (8-2, Carbon Roller Deco)

Saturday, November 4th, 2017

Camp Triggerfish Rainmaker has a great opening move for the Carbon Roller Deco. Release one Seeker to start, a second as soon as your ink tank can, and you'll reach the Rainmaker with one Seeker hitting its shield, a second ready to go, and probably before the other team. I grab ...

Early tomfoolery gives way to sense in Tower Control (5-3, Carbon Roller Deco)

Monday, October 30th, 2017

Why did I try to squish that Slosher? For the lols, I think, but getting splatted for it makes me feel a bit silly. So when I tidy up after her, and spy her returning, I more sensibly hide and time the flick properly. Even better, when I spot her ink ...