Archive for May, 2017

Last-ditch effort in Splat Zones (14-5, Carbon Roller Deco)

Monday, May 22nd, 2017

I'm careful not to get in our charger's way whilst he's aiming, and that first purple inkling takes a bit of ink to splat him, but we're on our way. The second inkling is hiding in plain sight, just squidin' on the ground, and I'm a bit lucky that our ...

Tough battle in the Splat Zones (10-8, Carbon Roller Deco)

Sunday, May 21st, 2017

I can tell this battle is going to be tough from the team compositions. Two chargers, a bucket, and a roller for us, three shooters and a charger for them. It's going to be rough for us. Still, it's a fairly standard start, as I help ink our Splat Zone ...

Showing a bit of form in Splat Zones (9-5, Hero Charger Replica)

Sunday, May 21st, 2017

It's taken a few battles, but I think I'm getting back in to the swing of aiming a charger. Well, as much as I was before. Maybe a little less. But I feel pretty good when I get a good splat from an awkward angle, realise a Roller is coming ...

Some hits, some misses, in Splat Zones (7-4, Hero Charger Replica)

Saturday, May 20th, 2017

I'm sticking with an unscoped charger for the moment, but doesn't the Hero Charger Replica have an extra two pixels range? Maybe, but even if it doesn't, it's pretty much the same as the Splat Charger, and it looks different. I'm still getting used to not zooming in, and having ...

Sprinkler splats in Tower Control (7-4, Kelp Splat Charger)

Saturday, May 20th, 2017

I'm still not quite used to not having my whole field-of-view zoom in as I charge, but that's a good Sprinkler throw right at the start of the battle. It's certainly better than my aim with the Splat Charger, or my aim to squid in my own ink. Must try ...

Back to having no scope in Tower Control (6-5, Kelp Splat Charger)

Friday, May 19th, 2017

I've seen some clips of chargers without scopes being very cool, and so I made the logical leap that if I took the scope off my charger, I would be cool too! It makes sense. I've chosen the Kelp Splat Charger so that the Sprinkler could charge my Killer Wail, ...

Some Splatterscoping behind the Splat Zones (7-3, Kelp Splatterscope)

Friday, May 19th, 2017

I nearly pull myself up out of A-, thanks to some decent battling. It doesn't look that way, after one knockout defeat and a dropped connection knocks a chunk of points off me, but I was close. I think it's time to pull out the Splatterscope to get some practice ...

Fighting back in Splat Zones (8-4, Carbon Roller Deco)

Thursday, May 18th, 2017

I'm not sure what my strategy should be for Moray Towers Splat Zones with the Carbon Roller Deco, either at the start or for any of the battle. I suppose I'll have to make one up. Launching a Seeker down the first ramp and jumping down to be above our ...

Solidly securing the Splat Zones (9-0, Tri-slosher)

Thursday, May 18th, 2017

I think the Tri-slosher will work well in Moray Towers Splat Zones. I am quite mobile with it, going down or up the other side, and sloshing down in to our Splat Zone should come in quite useful. Indeed, that's how I start the battle, making a bee-line for the ...

Blasting away in Tower Control (13-7, Blaster)

Wednesday, May 17th, 2017

Twice I hit a squidmate with my Blaster as we move out. I bet it didn't hurt as much as getting splatted by the Splatterscope. I hang back, not wanting the same fate to befall me, until another blaster drops down to ink a nice path ahead of me, and ...